From Parkinson’s Research to Veterinary Ambitions: Emilia Johnson’s Experience at UW–Madison

Continuing the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences “Student Spotlights”, we will be highlighting one of our rising sophomore Animal and Veterinary Biosciences students!

This week we will get to know more about Emilia Johnson. In this Q&A, Emilia, a rising sophomore Animal & Veterinary Biosciences student from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, reflects on her experiences at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and how it has helped her on her path to becoming a veterinarian. Emilia’s advice for students is to put yourself out there and be willing to take on new friendships and opportunities. Whether you’re a prospective student or simply curious about campus life, Emilia’s diligence as an active student, contributions to campus research, and appreciation for UW–Madison’s unique culture exemplify how the University of Wisconsin–Madison is committed to fostering engaged and innovative students.

Photo curtesy of Emilia Johnson

Why did you choose to attend UWMadison?

I decided to attend UW-Madison because I was there a lot growing up. My three siblings went to school there, and through that, I fell in love with the school’s culture.

What clubs/organizations/activities are you involved with?

I am in the Embark club, the Pre-Veterinary Association, and Yes UW.

What is your favorite class that you have taken in the department and why?

My favorite class was Animal Science 101 because it gave me a lot of information and opportunities with animals that I didn’t have experience with like sheep, cows, and chickens.

Do you participate in research?

Yes, I am a part of a Parkinson’s research program led by Dr. Emborg. The research is to understand and develop treatments for Parkinson’s disease using animal models that reflect the patient’s conditions.

What are your future career plans?

Photo curtesy of Emilia Johnson

My future career plans are to open my own veterinary clinic and become a small animal veterinarian.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and make new experiences and friends. They have the ability to shape the rest of your college experience and help you grow as a person.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

The Terrace.

What is your favorite Babcock ice cream flavor?

Badger Blast.