Arlington Sheep Research Unit

The Sheep unit is a part of the Arlington Agricultural Research station. It consists of 50 acres and two main barns which house 300 head of mature ewes and their lambs. The current flock consists of 100 head of registered Hampshires, 30 registered Targhees, 40 registered Polypays, 30 registered Rambouillets, 35 crossbred ewes, and numerous Baroola-Rambouillet crosses. These sheep are used for teaching and extension, as well as research geared towards improving production genetics and reproductive techniques. Every spring, these sheep are housed in the on campus Livestock Lab for students in the Sheep Production class to have the opportunity to shear, feed, vaccinate and lamb these ewes on campus.
Opportunities for summer internships are available to students interested in gaining experience in the sheep industry.
For more information and to set up a tour, please call Todd Taylor at 608-846-5858.
W4857 Meek Read, Arlington, Wisconsin 53911