Latest Past Events

M.S. Defense Seminar by Emily Tabor

Room 236 Animal Sciences Bldg. 1675 Observatory Dr, Madison

Title: Evaluating Pre-natal Nutritional and Post-natal Cooling Management Interventions for Heat Abatement on the Immune Function of Pre-weaned Dairy Calves Presenter: Emily Tabor, Animal Science Sciences M.S. candidate (advisor: Dr. Jimena Laporta), UW-Madison Department Animal and Dairy Sciences Location: Animal Science Building, Room 236

M.S. Defense Seminar by Margaret Costello

MSABD Room 1115 1933 Observatory Drive, Madison

Title: Harnessing whole gastrointestinal tract sampling in cattle to characterize the contributions of key microbial members during different life stages Presenter: Margaret Costello, Animal Science Sciences M.S. candidate (advisor: Dr. Steven Ricke), UW-Madison Department Animal and Dairy Sciences Location: MSABD RM 1115

Ph.D. Defense Seminar by Ahmed Said Sayed Aly

274 Animal Sciences 1675 Observatory Drive, Madison

Title: Impact of Cholesterol-Loaded Cyclodextrin on the Existing Physiological Traits of Sexed and Unsexed Frozen Bovine Semen. Presenter: Ahmed Said Sayed Aly, Animal Science Sciences Ph.D. candidate (advisor: Dr. John Parrish), UW-Madison Department Animal and Dairy Sciences Location: Animal Sciences Building, Room 274