Ph.D. Defense Seminar by Steven Sheng
1933 Observatory Drive, Madison WI, 53706Title: INVESTIGATING ORGANIC CURING POWDER ON QUALITY AND SENSORY ATTRIBUTES OF CURED MEATS Presenter: Steven Sheng, Animal Sciences Ph.D. candidate (advisor: Dr. James R. Claus), UW-Madison Department Animal and Dairy Sciences Location: MSABD RM 1115
Graduate Seminar – Tanja Dominko
1933 Observatory Drive, Madison WI, 53706Title: “From Animal Resilience to Biomedical Modeling: Using Advanced Genomic Tools" Speakers: Tanja Dominko, DVM, PhD, is a Professor in the Animal and Dairy Sciences Department, the Department of Surgery/Division of Transplantation, and the Faculty Director of the Center for Biomedical Swine Research and Innovation (CBSRI). After receiving her PhD in Endocrinology-Reproductive Physiology from UW-Madison, Dr. Dominko […]
Ph.D. Defense Seminar by Thiago Cunha
1933 Observatory Drive, Madison WI, 53706Title: ADIPOSITY, ENERGY METABOLISM, AND IMMUNE FUNCTION IN DAIRY COWS: EXPLORING THE INTERPLAY OF BODY CONDITION, NUTRIENT DEMANDS, AND POSTPARTUM ADAPTATIONS Presenter: Thiago Cunha, Dairy Sciences Ph.D. candidate (advisor: Dr. Laura L. Hernandez), UW-Madison Department Animal and Dairy Sciences Location: MSABD RM 1115
M.S. Defense Seminar by Ethel Sofia Moreno Martinez
1933 Observatory Drive, Madison WI, 53706Title: The role of Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein 7 on bovine trophectoderm development and function in vitro Presenter: Ethel Sofia Moreno Martinez, Animal Sciences M.S. candidate (advisor: Dr. M. Sofia Ortega Obando), UW-Madison Department Animal and Dairy Sciences Location: MSABD RM 1115