Student Opportunities
UW-Madison offers many opportunities to graduate students to reduce education costs, further learning opportunities, optimize research funding, and aid decision making.

Arlington Research Station
The Arlington Agriculture Research Station supports almost all disciplines in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Student Funding
“Funding” is a term used to describe university employment or support to cover some or all your costs of graduate education. It varies in kind, amount, and level of guarantee.

Dairy Innovation Hub
The Hub provides $7.8M in state funding per year for dairy research at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, and UW-River Falls

Dairy Brain
Dairy Brain is the next big leap in in dairy farm management using coordinated data ecosystems.

Student Organizations
Over 750 student organizations at UW-Madison cover a breadth of interests, including animal, dairy, and meat sciences, as well as opportunities in student governance and labor union representation.

Food Safety

Land & Water Stewardship

Precision Livestock Farming

Animal Health & Welfare

Biomedical Advancements