Yun Jiang

Assistant Professor - Dairy Nutrition

Research, Teaching

Office Location

652 Animal Sciences

1675 Observatory Dr

Madison, WI 53706

Yun Jiang is an Assistant Professor of Dairy Nutrition in the Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned both her M.S. and Ph.D. in Animal Science, with a specialization in ruminant nutrition, from the University of Florida. Dr. Jiang’s research program focuses on developing nutritional strategies to optimize ruminal fermentation and feed efficiency, reduce environmental impacts such as methane emission, and improve feed quality and safety in the dairy industry. She also has a strong interest in the use of probiotics and postbiotics in dairy nutrition.

Selected Peer Reviewed Articles 

1. Dhungana, A., O. Odunfa, A. Osterman, D. Woods, K. B. Cooper, C. Wang, I. Yoon, Y. Jiang. 2024. Effects of a liquid and dry Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product feeding program on ruminal fermentation, total tract digestibility, and plasma metabolome of Holstein steers receiving a grain-based diet. J. Anim. Sci. In press.

2. Jiang, Y; J. Chapman, B. Humphrey, M. Garcia. 2023. Effects of OmniGen® PRO on ruminal fermentation, stress, and inflammation of Holstein cattle induced with a subacute ruminal acidosis. Front. Anim. Sci. 4:1202609.

3. Oyebade, A. O., S. Lee, H. Sultana, K. Arriola, E. Duvalsaint, C. Nino De Guzman, I. Fernandez Marenchino, L. Marroquin Pacheco, F. Amaro, L. Ghedin Ghizzi, L. Mu, H. Guan, K.V. Almeida, B. Rajo Andrade, J. Zhao, P. Tian, C. Cheng, Y. Jiang, et al. 2023. Effects of direct-fed microbial supplementation on performance and immune parameters of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 106:8611-8626.

4. Amaro, F. X., D. Kim, R. Restelatto, P. Carvalho, K. Arriola, E. J. C. Duvalsaint, A. P. Cervantes, Y. Jiang et al. 2022. Lactational performance of dairy cows in response to supplementing N-acetyl-l-methionine as source of rumen-protected methionine. J. Dairy Sci. 105:2301-2314.

5. Jiang, Y., I. M. Ogunade, D. Vyas, A. T. Adesogan. 2021. Aflatoxin in dairy cows: toxicity, occurrence in feedstuffs and milk and dietary mitigation strategies. Toxins. 13:283.

6. Arriola, K., D. Vyas, D. Kim, M. Nascimento Agarussi, V. Silva. J. Flores, Y. Jiang, Y. Xue, A. Pech-Cervantes, L. Ferraretto, A. T. Adesogan. 2021. Effect of Lactobacillus hilgardii, Lactobacillus buchneri or their combination on the fermentation and nutritive value of sorghum silage and corn silage. J. Dairy Sci. 104:9664-9675

7. Arriola, K., A. Oliveira, Y. Jiang, D. Kim, H. Silva, S. C. Kim, F. X. Amaro, I. M. Ogunade, H. Sultana, A. A. Pech-Cervantes, L. F. Ferraretto, D. Vyas, A. T. Adesogan. 2021. Meta-analysis of effects of inoculation with Lactobacillus buchneri with or without other bacteria on silage fermentation, aerobic stability, and performance of dairy cows. Dairy Sci. 104:7653-7670.

8. Amaro, F. X., D. Kim, M. C. N Agarussi, V. P. Silva, T. Fernandes, K. G. Arriola, Y. Jiang, A. Pech-Cervantes, A. T. Adesogan, L. F. Ferraretto, S. Yu, W. Li, D. Vyas. 2021. Effects of exogenous α-amylases, glucoamylases and proteases on ruminal in vitro dry matter and starch digestibility, gas production and volatile fatty acids of mature dent corn grain. Translational Animal Science. 5:txaa222.

9. Poindexter, M. B., M. F. Kweh, R. Zimpel, J. Zuniga, C. Lopera, M. G. Zenobi, Y. Jiang, M. Engstrom, P. Celi, J. E.P. Santos, and C. D. Nelson. 2020. Feeding supplemental 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 increases serum mineral concentrations and alters mammary immunity of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 103:805-822.

10. Jiang, Y., M. Ogunade, K. G. Arriola, A. A. Pech-Cervantes, D. H. Kim, X. Li, D. Vyas, A. T. Adesogan. 2020. Short communication: Effects of physiologically relevant concentration of aflatoxin with or without binders on in vitro rumen fermentation of a dairy cow diet. J. Diary Sci. 103:1559-1565.

11. Jiang, Y., I. M. Ogunade, A. A. Pech-Cervantes, P. X. Fan, D. H. Kim, X. Li, M. B. Poindexter, K. G. Arriola, M. C. M. Gonçalves, K. C. Jeong, D. Vyas, A. T. Adesogan. 2019. Effect of sequestering agents based on a Saccharomyces Cerevisiae fermentation product and clay on the ruminal bacterial community of lactating dairy cows challenged with dietary aflatoxin B1. J. Dairy Sci. 103:1431-1447.

12. Adesogan, A. T., K. G. Arriola, Y. Jiang, A. Oyebade, E. M. Paula., A. A. Pech-Cervantes, J. J. Romero, L. F. Ferraretto, and D. Vyas. 2019. Symposium review: Technologies for improving fiber utilization. 102:5726-5755.

13. Jiang, Y., I. M. Ogunade, D. H. Kim, X. Li, A. A. Pech-Chevantes, K. G. Arriola, A. S. Oliveira, J. P. Driver, L. F. Ferraretto, C. R. Staples, D. Vyas, and A. T. Adesogan. 2018. Effect of adding clay with or without a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on the health and performance of lactating dairy cows challenged with dietary aflatoxin B1. J. Dairy Sci. 101:3008-3020.

14. Driehuis, F., J. M. Wilkinson, Y. Jiang, I. Ogunade and A. T. Adesogan. 2018. Review: animal and human health risks from silage. J. Dairy Sci. 101:4093-4110.

15. Ogunade, I. M., C. Martinez-Tuppia, O. C. M. Queiroz, Y. Jiang, P. Drouin, F. Wu, and A. T. Adesogan. 2018. Review: mycotoxins in silage: occurrence, effects, prevention and mitigation. J. Dairy Sci. 101:4034-4059.

USDA AFRI Review Panelist (2024)

USDA AFRI Review Panelist (2023)

Reviewer Editor, Frontiers in Animal Science, section Animal Nutrition (2020 – present)

Ad-hoc reviewer for various journals such as Journal of Dairy Science, and Grass and Forage Science

2023 Top 100 most highly cited papers published since 2020. J. Dairy Sci. 104:7653–7670.

2020 Top 100 most highly cited papers published since 2017. J. Dairy Sci. Four papers: 100:4587–4603; 101:4034–4059; 101:2048–2059; 101:4093–4110.

2017/2018 William C. and Bertha M. Cornett Fellowship, University of Florida

2017 Editor’s Choice. Jiang et al. 2017. J. Dairy Sci. 100:325-342

2015/2016 William C. and Bertha M. Cornett Fellowship, University of Florida