608-263-3676Office Location
1933 Observatory Dr
2112 Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building
Madison, WI 53706

Wei Guo is an Assistant Professor in the Meat Science and Animal Biologics Discovery program (MSABD) at the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
Guo’s research interest is focused on posttranscriptional regulation in striated muscle (heart and skeletal muscles) development, growth, regeneration, metabolism as well as diseases using both in vitro and in vivo approaches. His other research focus is to understand the impact of maternal environmental changes on fetal prenatal and postnatal development (Fetal or Developmental Programming) using large animals as models. He is also interested in discovering new bioactive molecules or peptides from animal co-products benefiting the animal industry and human health. He has published over 47 research and review articles as well as 3 book chapters. He is currently supported by an NIH grant, USDA-NIFA and the American Heart Association (AHA) Foundation award.
He received his Ph.D. from China Agricultural University and then moved to UW-Madison for his first postdoc training in the muscle biology lab and second postdoc training in nutritional science. Prior to coming to UW-Madison as a tenure-track faculty position, he was a faculty member at the University of Wyoming.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Zhang Y, Gregorich ZR, Wang Y, Braz CU, Zhang J, Liu Y, Liu P, Shen J, Aori N, Hacker TA, Granzier H, Guo W. Disruption of the nuclear localization signal in RBM20 is causative in dilated cardiomyopathy. JCI Insight. 2023 Jul 10;8(13):e170001. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.170001. PMID: 37219949; PMCID: PMC10371347. (Highlighted in the Editor’s Picks;
Zhang Y, Wang C, Sun M, Jin Y, Braz CU, Khatib H, Hacker TA, Liss M, Gotthardt M, Granzier H, Ge Y, Guo W. RBM20 phosphorylation and its role in nucleocytoplasmic transport and cardiac pathogenesis. FASEB J.2022 May;36(5):e22302. PubMed PMID: 35394688;
Larson, Eli J., Gregorich, Zachery R., Zhang, Yanghai, Li, Brad H., Aballo, Timothy J., Melby, Jake A., Ge, Ying and Guo, Wei. ablation is associated with changes in the expression of titin-interacting and metabolic proteins. Mol. Omics, 2022, 18, 627-634
Sun, M.; Jin, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Gregorich, Z.R.; Ren, J.; Ge, Y.; Guo, W. SR Protein Kinases Regulate the Splicing of Cardiomyopathy-Relevant Genes via Phosphorylation of the RSRSP
Stretch in RBM20. Genes. 2022, 13, 1526.
Liu Y, Ding Q, Guo W. Life Course Impact of Glucocorticoids During Pregnancy on Muscle Development and Function. Front. Anim. Sci. 2021; 2: 83-89; DOI: 10.3389/fanim.2021.788930.
Wang C, Zhang Y, Methawasin M, Braz CU, Gao-Hu J, Yang B, Strom J, Gohlke J, Hacker T, Khatib H, Granzier H, Guo W. RBM20S639Gmutation is a high genetic risk factor for premature death through RNA-protein condensates. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2022; 165:115-129. PMID: 35041844.
Liu Y, Ding Q, Halderson, SJ, Arriola Apelo SI, Jones AK, Pillai SM, Hoffman ML, Reed SA, Govoni, KE, Zinn SA, Guo W. Maternal overnutrition during gestation in sheep alters autophagy associated pathways in offspring heart. Front. Genet. 2022, 12:742704. PMID:
Wei Guo, Chaoqun Zhu, Zhiyong Yin, Yanghai Zhang, Chunyan Wang, Andrea Sanchez Walk, Ying-Hsi Lin, Timothy A. McKinsey, Kathleen C. Woulfe, Jun Ren, and Herbert G.
Chew, Jr. The Ryanodine Receptor Stabilizer S107 Ameliorates Contractility of Adult Rbm20 Knockout Rat Cardiomyocytes. Physiol Rep. 2021, 9(17): e15011. PMID: 34523360
Maimaiti R, Zhu CQ, Zhang YH, Ding QY, Guo W. RBM20-mediated pre-mRNA splicing has muscle-specificity and differential hormonal responses between muscles and in muscle cell cultures. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(6), 2928;
Mohammadabadi M. Bordbar F, Jensen J, Du M, Guo W. Key Genes Regulating Skeletal Muscle Development and Growth in Farm Animals. Animals, 2021, 11, 835.
Jay W Schneider, Saji Oommen, Muhammad Y Qureshi, Sean C Goetsch, David R Pease, Rhianna S Sundsbak, Wei Guo, Mingming Sun, Han Sun, Hidehito Kuroyanagi, et al. A ribonucleoprotein-granule pathway to heart failure in human RBM20 cardiomyopathy gene-edited pigs. Nature Medicine. 2020; 26(11): 1788-1800.
Farhad Bordbar, Just Jensen, Min Du, Abeid Adam, Wei Guo, Lingyang Xu, Huijiang Gao, Lupei Zhang, Junya Li. Identification and validation of a novel candidate gene regulating net meat weight in Simmental beef cattle based on imputed next-generation sequencing. Cell Proliferation. 2020; 53(9): e12870. PMID: 32722873
Zhi Li, Xiao-Lin Wu, Wei Guo, Jun He, Hao Li, Guilherme J. M. Rosa, Daniel Gianola, Richard G. Tait Jr., Jamie Parham, John Genho, Tom Schultz, Stewart Bauck. Estimation of
genomic breed composition of individual animals in composite beef cattle. Animal Genetics. 2020. 51(3): 457-460.
Hanfang Cai, Chaoqun Zhu, Zhilong Chen, Rexiati Maimaiti, Mingming Sun, Richard J. McCormick, Xianyong Lan, Hong Chen and Wei Guo. Angiotensin II influences pre-mRNA splicing regulation by enhancing RBM20 transcription through activation of the MAPK/ELK1 signaling pathway. Int. J Mol. Sci. 2019. 20(20): E5090. PMID: 31614708.
Qiurong Wang, Chaoqun Zhu., Mingming Sun., Rexiati Maimaiti., Stephen P. Ford, Peter W. Nathanielsz, Jun Ren and Wei Guo. Maternal obesity impairs fetal cardiomyocytes contractile function in sheep. FASEB J. 2019; 33(2): 2587-2598. PMID: 30289749.
Selected Book Chapters
Guo Wei and Greaser, M.L. 2022. “Muscle Structure, Proteins and Meat Quality” in “New aspects of meat quality-from genes to ethics”, 2ed. Peter Purslow, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, In Press
Greaser, M.L. and Guo Wei. 2011. “Post-mortem Muscle Chemistry” In: “Handbook of Meat and Meat Processing, Second Edition”, ed. YH Hui, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp70-78.
Greaser, M.L. and Guo Wei. 2014. “Proteins” In “Handbook of Muscle Foods Analysis, Second Edition”, ed, Leo M.L.Nollet, Fidel Toldra, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, PP357-368
Guo Wei and Greaser, M.L. 2016. “Muscle Structure, Proteins and Meat Quality” in “New aspects of meat quality-from genes to ethics”, ed. Peter Purslow, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, PP13-32
Selected Posters
Wei Guo, Zachery Gregrich, Yanghai Zhang. RBM20 cardiomyopathy: splicing and beyond. Caparica, Portugal, July 16th-20th 2023. Invited as oral presentation (Declined due to visa issue)
Yanghai Zhang, Zachery R. Gregorich, Yujuan Wang, Camila Urbano Braz, Jibin Zhang, Yang Liu, Peiheng Liu, Nanyumuzi Aori, Timothy A. Hacker, Henk Granzier, Wei Guo. Identification of the nuclear localization signal in RBM20 and its function in the pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy. BCVS Scientific Meeting 2023. Boston, MA. July 30th-August 3rd, 2023.
Yanghai Zhang, Zachery R. Gregorich, Yujuan Wang, Camila Urbano Braz, Jibin Zhang, Yang Liu, Peiheng Liu, Nanyumuzi Aori, Timothy A. Hacker, Henk Granzier, Wei Guo. Disruption of RS domain function in RBM20 is causative in dilated cardiomyopathy. The 42nd International Society for Heart Research (ISHR)-North American Section (NAS) meeting, Madison, WI. June 27th – June 30th 2023. Selected as ECI oral presentation.
Yanghai Zhang, Zachery R. Gregorich, Eli J. Larson, Ying Ge, Wei Guo. Proximity labeling proteomics uncovers mechanism of disrupted RBM20 nuclear import in RBM20 cardiomyopathy. The 42nd International Society for Heart Research (ISHR)-North American Section (NAS) meeting, Madison, WI. June 27th – June 30th 2023. Selected as an oral presentation at ACRE-ISHR pre-conference symposium.
Zachery R. Gregorich, Yanghai Zhang, Kavish H. Khinsar, Mohammad Abdullah Khan, Camila Urbano Braz, Yang Liu, Timothy A. Hacker, Henk Granzier, Wei Guo. Loss of key nuclear localization sequence element in the RBM20 RS domain causes DCM. American Heart Association Scientific Session 2022. Chicago, IL. November 5th to 7th, 2022.
Zachery R. Gregorich, Eli J. Larson, Yanghai Zhang, Ying Ge, Wei Guo. Insights into RBM20 cardiomyopathy revealed by global proteomics. BCVS Scientific Meeting 2022. Chicago, IL. July 25th-28th, 2022.
Wei Guo, Zachery Gregorich and Yanghai Zhang. Role of SR protein RBM20 in the pathogenesis of heart failure. 3rd Global Virtual Conference on Cardiology. July 11th to 12th, 2022. Selected as an oral presentation.
Jeffrey Gao and Wei Guo. RBM20 regulates muscle hypertrophy through titin and calcium signaling. Experimental Biology meeting. Philadelphia, PA, April 2nd to 5th, 2022
Zachery R. Gregorich, Yanghai Zhang, Kavish H. Khinsar, Mohammad Abdullah Khan, Camila Urbano Braz, Yang Liu, Timothy A. Hacker, Henk Granzier, Wei Guo. Disruption of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the RS domain of RBM20 is causative in dilated cardiomyopathy. Myofilament Meeting. Madison, WI. May 21st to 24th, 2022.
Eli J. Larson, Yanghai Zhang, Chunyan Wang, Chaoqun Zhu, Zhiyong Yin, Brad Li, Timothy J. Aballo, Jake A. Melby, Ying Ge and Wei Guo. RNA binding motif 20 regulation of cardiac metabolic associated proteins identified through global quantitative proteomics. Biophysical Society meeting, Berlin, Germany, Virtual, November 29th, 2021. Selected as an oral presentation.
Yanghai Zhang, Chunyan Wang, Mei Methawasin, Camila Urbano Braz, Jeffrey Gao-Hu, Betty Yang, Joshua Strom, Timothy Hacker, Hasan Khatib, Henk Granzier and Wei Guo. Gain-of-function mutations in Rbm20 result in cardiac remodeling and pathogenesis in mice. AHA Scientific meeting, Boston, MA, Virtual, November 13th to 15th, 2021. Selected as an oral presentation.
Chunyan Wang, Yanghai Zhang, Jeffery Gao, Chao Yang and Wei Guo. Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) aggregation promotes high mortality rate at younger age in RBM20 mutation knock-in mice. The 4th International Caparica Conference in Splicing, Caparica, Portugal, July 26th-29th 2021. Selected as an oral presentation.
Chunyan Wang, Yanghai Zhang, Mei Methawasin, Camila Urbano Braz, Jeffrey Gao-Hu, Betty Yang, Joshua Strom, Timothy Hacker, Hasan Khatib, Henk Granzier and Wei Guo. RBM20 mutation is a high genetic risk factor for premature death through RNA-protein condensates in mice. 40th Annual Conference of the North American Section (NAS) of the International Society of Heart Research (ISHR), Denver, CO, September 13th to 16th, 2021.
Yanghai Zhang, Chunyan Wang, Jeffery Gao, Chaoyang and Wei Guo. RBM20 mutations in RS domain promote heart failure and premature death at younger age. World Biological Science and Technology Conference, Virtual meeting. August 25th to 27th, 2021. Selected as an oral presentation.
Wei Guo, Mingming Sun, Yutong Jin, Martin Liss, Michael Gotthardt, Mei Methawasin, Henk L. Granzier and Ying Ge. Phosphorylation of RBM20 on RS Domain Plays A Key Role in The Development of Heart Failure. The 3rd –international Caparica Conference in Splicing, Caparica, Portugal, July 13th-16th 2020. Selected as an oral presentation.
Undergraduate Courses
An Sci 336 – Animal Growth & Development (3 credits, Fall)
Course description: Covers growth and development of an animal from a single cell to an organism and factors such as nutrition, hormone, genetics and gut microbials influencing growth
and development in both cell and tissue levels. Includes the molecular and cellular basis of prenatal and postnatal growth and development. Focuses on development and growth of tissues including muscle, adipose, connective, mammary, and bone tissues that are associated with animal production. Also includes the use of growth promotants in livestock to improve growth performance and increase the quality of carcasses and animal production.
Requirements: Zoology 151 and 152 or Zoology 101 and 102.
Topic editor for a Research Topic on “the effect of muscle pathogenesis on
avian physiology, animal welfare, and quality of muscle as a food” for the
Journal of Frontier in Physiology. 2023
Faculty Senate representing faculties at the Department of Animal and Dairy
Sciences. 2023-present
Co-organizer for the 1st ISHR-ACRE pre-conference in Madison, WI. 2023
Co-organizer for the 1st Vascular Biology Retreat for the CAAC in Madison,
WI. 2023
Committee member for Research and Graduate Education Committee. 2020-
Search Committee for Lab manager position of Meat Science and Animal
Biologics Discovery (MSABD) program. 2021-2022
Review Editor, Avian Physiology in Frontiers in Physiology, 2022-present
Guest Editor for a Special Issue titled “Genetics and Mechanistic Basis of
cardiomyopathies” for journal Genes. 2022.
Editorial Board Member, Journal Molecular Medicine Reports. 2021-present
Local organizing committee member for International Society of Heart
Research (ISHR)-North American Section (NAS) scientific conference. 2022
Secretary and Chair for NC 1184 Multi-state meeting. 2021-2022
Organizing committee member for Global Summit on Animal Science and
Veterinary Medicine (ASVM2020), Toyota, Japan. 2020
Co-chair for symposium 10: HFpEF at 40th Annual Meeting of the
International Society of Heart Research (ISHR)-North American Section (NAS)
in Denver, CO. 2020
Session co-chair at the 5th NIH IDeA Western Regional Conference, Jackson, WY. 2017.
Grant reviewers for NIH, AHA, NASA and other funding agencies. 2015-
Nominee of the Elton D. and Carrie R. Aberle Faculty Fellow Award, 2022
Hatch Capital Exercise Award, 2021
DIH Equipment Dairy Hub award (Co-PI), 2021
Honorary Research Assistant professor, Department of Animal Science,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019
Wyoming AES Outstanding Young Scientist Award, 2018
NIH IDeA Western Regional Conference Session Chair-Las Vegas, NV, 2017
Wyoming INBRE Bioinformatics Program Award, 2016
Outstanding Poster Presentation Award in the China-USA Cardiovascular Symposium at AHA Scientific Conference-Orlando, FL , 2015
Young Investigator Outstanding Presentation Award in the ACRE/CNAHA Cardiovascular Research Symposium at AHA Scientific Conference-Chicago, IL, 2014
Xi-an International Cardiovascular Forum and the 19th Xijing-Mayo clinic cardiovascular symposium session chair-Xi’an, China, 2014
Honorary fellow at Department of Animal Science at UW-Madison, 2011-2013
Abstract and Oral presentation Award for Excellence at International Meeting of Myofilament Protein Function-Madison, WI, 2012
Wei Guo, Marion Greaser, Michael Gotthardt, Norbert Hubner, (equally contribution). polynucleotides for diagnostic and prognostic of a cardiac disease. European Patent: application #: 10736605.6-1222/ Patent #: EP2446059