Tanya France

Post Doctoral Research Associate

Originally from Lindenhurst, Illinois, Tanya received her bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences from Iowa State University in 2017. She then completed her master’s degree in Animal and Food Sciences in 2020 from the University of Kentucky, with her research focusing on dairy systems management and mastitis in transition dairy cows. Tanya then pursued her PhD in Animal Sciences at Cornell University, which she completed in 2023 with her research focusing on one-carbon and omega-3 fatty acid nutrition and metabolism in transition dairy cows. Currently, as a postdoctoral research associate, Tanya is looking at hepatic mitochondrial function and factors that may alter hepatic respiration in transition dairy cows.

Selected Peer Reviewed Articles

France, T. L., A. F. Ortega, A. T. Richards, M. J. Farricker, A. B. P. Fontoura, and J. W. McFadden. 2024. Abomasal infusion of deuterium-labeled choline confirms that choline is a methyl donor in gestating and lactating Holstein dairy cattle. Journal of Nutrition https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjnut.2024.11.014

France, T. L., W. A. Myers, A. Javaid, I. R. Frost, and J.W. McFadden. 2022. Changes in plasma and milk choline metabolite concentrations in response to the provision of various rumen-protected choline prototypes in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 105:9509-9522. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-21615

Myers, W. A., F. Wang, C. Chang, A. N. Davis, J. E. Rico, B. N. Tate, T. L. France, L. F. Wang, and J. W. McFadden. 2021. Intravenous trimethylamine N-oxide infusion does not modify circulating markers of liver health, glucose tolerance, and milk production in early-lactation cows. Journal of Dairy Science 104:9948-9955. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-20169

Selected Popular Press Articles

France, T. L., J. W. McFadden. Methionine and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Feeding for Transition Cows. The Manager in Progressive Dairy. November 2022. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ecommons.cornell.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/b9832c0f-ba7b-4e80-9b73-efb6e886b8f2/content

Selected Videos

Fatty Acid Forum. Virtus Nutrition. Research Review: Effects of Dietary Methionine and Calcium Salts Enriched in Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Lactation and Liver Function in Periparturient Dairy Cows. https://www.fattyacidforum.com/adsa-2023-research-review-feeding-rumen-protected-methionine-and-calcium-salts-enriched-in-omega-3-fatty-acids-increase-plasma-methionine-concentrations-modify-milk-fatty-acid-profiles-and-modify-p/

Teaching Assistant- Human Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism (NS3310), Cornell University- Spring 2020

Teaching Assistant- Dairy Cattle Science Course, University of Kentucky- Fall 2017

Executive board member on the Animal Science Graduate Student Association at Cornell University 2021-2022

Leader/instructor of the Animal Science Workshop for the Expanding Your Horizons event at Cornell University 2022

Assistant at the 39th ADSA Discover Conference 2020

Kentucky State Fair Manager for the Dairy Bar Booth 2019

North American International Livestock Exposition Quiz Bowl Contest Assistant 2017-2019

North American International Livestock Exposition Dairy Judging Assistant: 2018-2019

Hyman and Miriam Lockwood Scholarship for the Max and Ida Lelchook Fund recipient – Cornell University, 2023

Leonard A. Maynard Graduate Award recipient – Cornell University, 2022