608-262-1792Office Location
1933 Observatory Dr
2116 Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building
Madison, WI 53706

Dr. Richards is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who specializes in oxidative processes mostly in relation to lipids and functional aspects of hemoglobin and myoglobin. One focal point has been to elucidate the mechanisms by which there is a wide range of variation in auto-oxidation and heme dissociation when comparing mammalian, avian, and fish hemoglobins. This has led to the identification of the key amino acid sites of hemoglobins that control these functional properties. His use of site-directed mutagenesis to alter protein functionality has been a complementary piece to this endeavor. For example, site CD3, E10, E11 and E14 vary among the different hemoglobins so that providing the mammalian residue at these sites is stabilizing whereas the fish residue is destabilizing. Protein crystallography is an additional tool that has been used to characterize the functional properties of different hemoglobins. By understanding the stereo-chemical aspects of protein functionality obtained from crystal structures, this allows the design of strategies to enhance or disrupt protein-protein interactions. Dr. Richards has also focused on mechanisms of vitamin E (alpha and gamma-tocopherol) metabolism in vivo which has implicated particular cytochrome P450s hydroxylases that are more active in certain animal species than others.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Ayala, CV, Koulicoff, LA, Chun, CKY, Boyle E, O’Quinn, TG, Richards, MP, Jones, C and Chao, MD. (2023) Exploring the effects of incorporating egg powder containing phospholipase α2 antibody to ground striploin on its shelf-life. Meat and Muscle Biology. 7, 16242, 1-11. http://doi:10.22175/mmb.16242.
Chao, M, Colin K. Y. Chun; M. Roth; R. Welti; MP Richards; Wei-Wen Hsu. (2022). Exploring the potential effect of phospholipase A2 antibody to extend beef shelf-life in a beef liposome model system
Wu, H, Park, SY and Richards, MP. (2022) Effects of sodium chloride and sodium tripolyphosphate on the prooxidant properties of hemoglobin in washed muscle system. Food Chemistry X.
Wu, H. Hajimohammadi, M. Decker, EA, Richards, MP, Undeland, I. Model systems for studying lipid oxidation associated with muscle foods: methods, challenges, and prospects (2022). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2105302.
Liu, L, Yin, J and Richards MP (2022). Role of Maillard reaction products as antioxidants in washed cod and washed turkey muscle oxidized by added hemoglobin. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. http://doi: 10.1002/ejlt.202100204
Tatiyaborworntham, N, Oz, F, Richards, MP, Wu, H. (2022). Paradoxical effects of lipolysis on the lipid oxidation in meat and meat products. Food Chemistry X.
Wu H, Yin, J, Xiao S, Yin J, Richards MP, Zhang J. (2022). Quercetin as an inhibitor of hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation: mechanisms of action and use of molecular docking. J. Agric. Food Chem. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132473
Wu, H. Richards, MP, Undeland, I. (2022) Lipid oxidation and antioxidant delivery systems in muscle food. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 1–25.
Whalin, JG., Liu, L, Rankin, SA, Richards, MP. (2021) Color stability and lipid oxidation in pork sausage as affected by rosemary extract and phospholipase A2: a possible role for depletion of neutral lipid hydroperoxides. J. Food Process. Preserv. 2021. 00, e15997.
Kassa T, Whalin JG, Richards MP, Alayash AI. (2021) Caffeic acid: an antioxidant with novel antisickling properties. FEBS Open Bio. 2021 Sep 12. https://doi:10.1002/2211-5463.13295 Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34510823.
Bak KH, Richards MP. (2021) Hexanal as a Predictor of Development of Oxidation Flavor in Cured and Uncured Deli Meat Products as Affected by Natural Antioxidants. Foods. 2021 Jan 13;10(1):152. https://doi:10.3390/foods10010152 PMID: 33450829; PMCID: PMC7828224.
Tatiyaborworntham N, Yin J, Richards MP. (2021). Factors influencing the antioxidant effect of phospholipase A2 against lipid oxidation promoted by trout hemoglobin and hemin in washed muscle. Food Chem. 2021 May 1;343:128428. https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128428. Epub 2020 Oct 22. PMID: 33131955.
Wu H, Xiao S, Yin J, Zhang J, Richards MP. (2021) Mechanisms involved in the inhibitory effects of free fatty acids on lipid peroxidation in turkey muscle. Food Chem. 2021 Apr 16;342:128333. https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128333 Epub 2020 Oct 8. PMID: 33067046.
Wu H, Xiao S, Yin J, Zhang J, Richards MP. (2021) Impact of lipid composition and muscle microstructure on myoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed cod and pig muscle. Food Chem. 2021 Jan 30;336:127729. https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127729. Epub 2020 Aug 2. PMID: 32768914.
Arowolo, F. K., X. Yang, M. E. Blaser, A. M. Nicholson, E. Hosokawa, J. R. Booth, C. T. Jobsis, R. L. Russell, J. J. Meudt, J. L. Reichert, T. D. Crenshaw, M. P. Richards, and D. Shanmuganayagam. 2020. Presence of lipid oxidation products in swine diet lowers pork quality and stability during storage. Meat Sci 160:107946. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.107946
Selected Book Chapters
Richards, MP. Olson, J.M, and Haas, M.J. (2020). Animal Fats, In Bailey’s Industrial Oil & Fat Products, (vol. 1) Edible oil and fat products: Chemistry, Properties, and Safety Aspects. 7th edition. F. Shahidi, Ed. Wiley Publisher. Hoboken, NJ.
Richards, M. P. 2010. Heme proteins and oxidation in fresh and processed meats. In Oxidation in Foods and Beverages and Antioxidant Applications. Chapter 4. E. Decker and R. Elias, Eds. Woodhead publishing.
Richards, M.P. 2007. Lipids: Functional Properties. In Food Chemistry: Principles and Applications; Chapter 7. 2nd edition. Y.H. Hui, Ed.; Science Technology System: West Sacramento, California; pp. 7-1 to 7-20.
Richards, M.P. 2006. Lipid Chemistry and Biochemistry. In Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering. Vol 1. Chapter 8; Y.H. Hui, Ed.; CRC: Taylor and Francis: Boca Raton, Florida; pp. 8-1 to 8-21.
Richards, M. P.; Hultin, H. O. 2000. Potential contributions of blood components to lipid oxidation in fish muscle. In Seafood in Health and Nutrition. Transformation in Fisheries and Aquaculture: Global Perspectives; F. Shahidi, Ed.; Science Tech Publishing: St. Johns, Canada; pp. 95-100.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Richards, MP, James G. Whalin, Yuting Wu, Surendranath P. Suman, Yifei Wang and J. Leon. Shohet. 2023. Myoglobin and hemoglobin: discoloration, lipid oxidation and solvent access to the heme pocket. Meat and Muscle Biology, Vol. 6 (3) 14400, 1-7.
Richards, M.P. Perez, D.M. Grunwald, E.W. Bak, K.H. and Park, S. 2015. Addressing oxidative rancidity in turkey muscle-An Update. March 18, 2015. Proceedings from the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention.
Richards, M.P. 2009. Addressing oxidative rancidity in turkey muscle. March 18, 2009. Proceedings from the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention.
Richards, M.P., Kilic, B., Li, R. 2003. Effects of added mechanically separated turkey on quality of pre-cooked turkey products. March 19, 2003. Proceedings from the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention. pp. 66-71.
Richards, M.P., Hultin, H.O. 2000. Effect of bleeding on lipid oxidation of fish muscle during storage and amounts of blood removed by different bleeding techniques. Proceedings of the 29th WEFTA Meeting; S.A. Georgakis, Ed.; Thessaloniki: Leptocarya-Piera, Greece; p. 287.
Selected Popular Press
Richards, M.P., Tatiyaborworntham, N. (2015). Investigating the use of PLA2 in ground proteins. The effect of phospholipase A2 from pig pancreas on lipid oxidation in minced muscles from fish, poultry, and pork. National Provisioner, 229 (1), 22-24.
Richards, MP. Perez, DM, Grunwald, EW, Bak, KH and Park, S. (2015). Update: Oxidative rancidity in turkeys. In Poultry Times (November 23 issue, 44-45).
Selected Other Publications
Tatiyaborworntham, N, Faustman, C, Yin, S, Ramanathan, R, Mancini, R.A, Suman, S.P, Beach, C.M, Maheswarappa, N.B, Grunwald, E.W. and Richards, M.P. (2012). Redox Instability and hemin loss of mutant sperm whale myoglobins induced by 4-hydroxy-nonenal in vitro. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 8473-8483
Cai, H. and Richards, M.P. (2012). Site E14 in hemoglobins and myoglobins: A key residue that affects hemin loss and lipid oxidation capacity J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 7729-7734.
Kathirvel, P.; Richards, M. P. (2012). Effect of a membrane permeable metal chelator on iron and hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed fish muscle. Food Res. Intern. 48, 346-352.
Thiansilakul, Y., Benjakul, S., Grunwald, E.W, Richards, M.P., (2012). Retardation of myoglobin and hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed bighead carp by phenolic compounds. Food Chem. 134, 789-796.
Thiansilakul , Y., Benjakul, S., Park, S.Y., Richards, M.P. (2012). Characteristics of myoglobin and hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed mince from bighead carp (Hypothalimichthys nobilis). Food Chem. 132, 892-900.
Grunwald, E.W. and Richards, M.P. (2012). Effects of hemopexin on hemin and hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed fish muscle. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 46, 412-418
Gong, Y.; Krabbenhoft, D.P..; Ren, L.; Egelandsdal, B.; Richards, M.P. (2011). Mercury distribution and lipid oxidation in fish muscle: Effects of washing and isoelectric protein precipitation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59, 11050-7.
Richards, M. P.; Kathirvel, P; Gong, YS.; Lopez-Hernandez, A; Walters, E.M. and Prather, R.S. (2011) Long chain omega-3 fatty acid levels in loin muscle from transgenic (fat-1 gene) pigs and effects on lipid oxidation during storage. Food Biotechnol. 25, 103-114.
Egelandsdal, B. Kathirvel, P.; Gong, Y.;Greaser, M.L, Richards. M.P. (2011). Addition of partly reduced bovine serum albumin to a metmyoglobin-fortified washed cod system gives reduced formation of lipid oxidation products and increased degradation of proteins. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 44, 1005-1011.
Thiansilakul , Y; Benjakul, S., and Richards, M.P. (2011). The effect of different atmospheric conditions on the changes in myoglobin and colour of refrigerated Eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis) muscle. J. Sci. Food Agric. 91, 1103-1110.
Thiansilakul , Y; Benjakul, S., and Richards, M.P. (2011). The effect of Fenton’s reactants and aldehydes on the changes of myoglobin from Eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis) dark muscle. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 232, 221-230.
Thiansilakul , Y; Benjakul, S., and Richards, M.P. (2011). Effect of Myoglobin from Eastern Little Tuna Muscle on Lipid Oxidation of Washed Asian Seabass Mince at Different pH. J. Food Sci. 76, C242-C249.
Thiansilakul , Y; Benjakul, S., and Richards, M.P. (2011). Isolation, characterisation and stability of myoglobin from Eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis) dark muscle. Food Chem. 124, 254-261.
Thiansilakul , Y; Benjakul, S., and Richards, M.P. (2010). Changes in heme proteins and lipids associated with off-odour of seabass (Lates calcarifer) and red tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus _ O. niloticus) during iced storage. Food Chem 121, 1109-1119.
Egelandsdal, B. Ren, L.P.; Gong Y. Gong, Greaser, M.L, and Richards. M.P. (2010). Factors affecting solubilisation and oxidation of proteins during equine metmyoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in extensively washed cod muscle. Food Chem. 122, 1102-1110.
Gong, Y; Parker R.S. and Richards, M.P. (2010). Factors affecting lipid oxidation in breast and thigh muscle from chicken, turkey and duck. J. Food Biochem. 34, 869-885.
Graduate Courses
An Sci 508 – Poultry Products Technology (3 credits, Summer)
Course description: Procurement, processing and distribution of poultry meat, eggs and derived products; factors affecting quality, including methods of determining quality.
An Sci/Food Sci 710 – Chemistry of the Food Lipids (2 credits, Fall)
Course description: Chemical constitution, structures, reactions, stereochemistry of fats, phospholipids, related compounds; methods of isolation, characterization; synthesis; relation of structure to physical properties.
Requirements: BIOCHEM 601; CHEM 341 or cons inst
On-site Coordinator of Midwest Poultry Consortium Teaching program (2007-2019)
External Reviewer for 10-year review of Food Research Institute (2019)
Search Committee Chair for Director of Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery (2019-2020)
Mentor Committee member for pre-tenure faculty member (2016- present)
Mentor Committee member for pre-tenure faculty member (2020- present)
Budget and Finance committee member (2019-present) Animal Sciences Department Self Study (2013-2014)
Undergraduate curriculum committee chair (2008-2011) Undergraduate curriculum committee member (2011-present)
Alumni Survey coordinator (2007-present)
Capital Equipment Exercise Committee
Avian Biology Faculty Search Committee
Meat Extension Faculty Search Committee
Winder-Bascom Professorship Committee (2007 and 2010) Graduate Admission & Standards in Food Science Department (2008-2010)
CALS Undergraduate Assessment Committee (2007-2009)
Majors Fair Representative and Freshman Orientation presentation (2008-2011)
Faculty Senate for 2 terms
Food Chemistry Division Executive Committee (Institute of Food Technologists)
Chair for multiple symposia for National Meetings (Institute of Food Technologists)
Chair for Graduate Student Research Poster Competition (Reciprocol Meats Conference)
Judge for Muscle Foods Division (Graduate Student Research Paper Competition)
Reviewer for scientific journals (5-9 per year).
Clyde W. Eby Memorial Lectureship, Raleigh, North Carolina (2014)
Midwest Poultry Consortium Faculty Member of the Year, 1st-year students (2016)
Midwest Poultry Consortium Outstanding Service Award (2016)
Hultin HO, Kelleher SD, Feng Y, Richards M, Kristinsson H, Undeland I, Ke S; High Efficiency Protein Extraction. US Patent 7,556,835 December 1, 2003.