608-698-1021Office Location
Animal Sciences
1675 Observatory Drive, Office 852
Madison WI, 53706

Dr. El Azzi’s research interests include ovarian follicle development, corpus luteum formation, luteolysis, embryo development, and pregnancy maintenance. Specializing in reproductive physiology and follicle dynamics regulation associated with follicle selection and dominance in a postdoctoral research training at Dr. Milo Wiltbank’s lab. Ph.D. in dairy cattle reproduction (2022) at The University of Lavras, Brazil. The Ph.D. dissertation focused on pregnancy maintenance using ovulatory inducers to accessory and original CL formation in recipient dairy heifers and cows receiving IVP and IVD embryos. The research was developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Medical Sciences. Master in equine reproduction (2018) with the induction of ovulation using different doses of GnRH and PGF in mares. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (2016) at The University of Lavras, Brazil.
Selected Peer Reviewed Articles
De Gaspari D., El Azzi, M. S. & Martins, J. P. N. (2023). Ex-vivo evaluation of a thread technique for tenotomy
of the deep digital flexor tendons in horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research.
Leao I. M. R., El Azzi M. S., Anta-Galvan E., Valdes-Arciniega T., Martins, J. P. N. (2023). Effect of 200 µg of
gonadorelin at the first GnRH of the Resynch-25 on ovarian dynamics and fertility in lactating Holstein cows.
Journal of Dairy Science.
Valdes-Arciniega T., Anta-Galvan E., Leao I. M. R., Cunha T. O., El Azzi, M. S., Cook N. B., Martins, J. P. N.
(2023). Effect of 200 µg of gonadorelin hydrochloride at the first GnRH of the breeding-Ovsynch on ovulatory
response and pregnancies per AI in first service lactating Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Sciences
El Azzi, M. S., Cardoso, J. L., Landeo, R. A., Pontes, J. H. F., de Souza, J. C., & Martins, J. P. N. (2023). Effect
of inducing accessory corpus luteum formation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone or human chorionic
gonadotropin on the day of embryo transfer on fertility of recipient dairy heifers and lactating cows. JDS
El Azzi, M. S., Valdes-Arciniega, T., Anta-Galvan, E., Leão, I. M., Sala, R. V., Fosado, M., … & Martins, J. P. N.
(2022). Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin on the last day of a 5-day CIDR Synch protocol and 5 days later on circulating progesterone concentrations and luteal area in Holstein heifers. JDS Communications, 3(5), 368-372.
Cabrera, E. M., Lauber, M. R., Valdes-Arciniega, T., El Azzi, M. S., Martins, J. P. N., Bilby, T. R., & Fricke, P.
M. (2021). Replacing the first gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment in an Ovsynch protocol with human
chorionic gonadotropin decreased pregnancies per artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science.
Viafara, J. A., Portilho, R. V., Maculan, R., SOUZA, J. F., Silva, C. M., Rodrigues, P. G., … El Azzi M. S. &
SOUZA, J. C. (2021). Fatty acid profiles of the plasma and follicular fluid mares fed a combination of linseed and
salmon oil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 93.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Correia, P. A., El Azzi, M. S., Rodrigues, T. A., Santos, R. N., Jasmin, Ferreira, M. B. D., Souza, J. C. Phenazine etosulfate added in maturation medium does not reduce lipid concentration in blastocyst stage embryos. In: 32nd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), 2022, Paraná. Anais da XXXV Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de Embriões, 2022.
Leão I. M. R., Anta-Galvan E., El Azzi M. S., Valdes-Arciniega T., da Silva Junior F. P. J., and Martins, J. P. N. 2022. Developing a synchronization program using only GnRH and PGF2α for dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 105(Suppl. 1): p. 142. (2099M)
El Azzi, M. S., Cardoso, J. L. L., Landeo, R. A., de Souza, J. C., Pontes, J. H. F., & Martins, J. P. N. (2021). 77 The effect of inducing an accessory corpus luteum with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone or human chorionic gonadotrophin at the day of embryo transfer on fertility of recipient dairy heifers and lactating cows. Reproduction, fertility, and development, 34(2), 274-275.
El Azzi, M. S., Sala, R. V., Leão, I. M. R., Anta-Galván, E., Fricke, V. C., Absalon-Medina, V. A., Dominguez, M., de Souza, J. C., and Martins, J. P. N. 2021. Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on d 0 and 5 of the estrous cycle on pregnancy per embryo transfer in recipient dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 104(Suppl. 1): p. 95. (241.) 2.
Leão, I. M. R., El Azzi, M. S., Anta-Galván E., Valdés-Arciniega, T., and Martins, J. P. N..2021. Effect of a high dose of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) at the first GnRH of the Resynch-25 on ovulatory response and fertility in lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 104(Suppl. 1): pp. 280-281. (325.)
ValdésArciniega, T., Anta-Galván, E., Leão, I. M. R., El Azzi, M. S., Cunha, T. O., Cook, N. B., and Martins, J. P. N.. 2021. Relationship between milk production and circulating concentration of progesterone on double ovulation in lactating Holstein cows submitted to Double Ovsynch. J. Dairy Sci. 104(Suppl. 1): p. 184. (463.)
Consentini, C. E. C., El Azzi, M. S., Leão, I. M. R., Valdés-Arciniega, T., AntaGalván E., Silva, L. O., Sartori, R., and Martins, J. P. N.. 2021. Effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) dose and an additional GnRH treatment 2 days following the initiation of Resynch-25 on fertility of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 104(Suppl. 1): p. 94. (240.)
Cabrera, E. M., Lauber, M. R., Valdes-Arciniega, T., El Azzi, M. S., Martins, J. P. N., Bilby, T. R., and Fricke, P. M. 2021. Replacing the first gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment in an Ovsynch protocol with human chorionic gonadotropin decreased pregnancies per AI in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 104(Suppl. 1): p. 94. (238.)
Arciniega, T. V., Leao, I. M. R., Galvan, E. A., Cunha, T. O., El Azzi, M. S., Cook, N. B., & Martins, J. P. N. (2020, January). Effect of a high dose of gonadorelin hydrochloride at the first gonadotropin-releasing hormone of the breeding-Ovsynch of a fertility program on ovulation rate and pregnancies per AI in first-service lactating Holstein cows. In JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE (Vol. 103, pp. 92-93). STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
El Azzi, M. S., Galvan, E. A., Arciniega, T. V., Leão, I., Sala, R., Fosada, M., … & Martins, J. P. N. (2020). 140 Effect of hCG on the last day of the 5-d CIDR-Synch and/or on day 5 of the estrous cycle on luteal dynamics in recipient Holstein heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 98(Supplement_4), 112-113..
Vasconcelos, G. L., Maculan, R., Alves, N., Ribeiro, A. L. A. P. L., Silva, A. W. B., Cunha, E. V., Moreira, G. M., Viafara, J. A. S., Guimaraes, A. S. B., Ribeiro, C. V., Ribeiro, C. V., Sales, J. N. S., Pinto, T. L. C., El Azzi, M. S., Souza, J. C. In Vitro Embryo Production and Oocyte Quality in Bos indicus Beef Cows Selected for Fertility Characteristics. In: 44th Annual Conference of the IETS, 2018, Tailândia. 44th Annual Conference of the IETS, 2018.
El Azzi, M. S., Barros, G. V., Viafara, J. A. S., Correia, P. A., Almeida, F. P., Souza, J. C. . Associations between dinoprost tromethamine and deslorelin acetate for ovulation induction in Mangalarga mares. In: 32nd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), 2018, Florianópolis. Anais da XXXII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de Embriões, 2018. v. 15. p. 417-417.
Viafara, J. A. S., Maculan, R., Vasconcelos, G. L., Lima, P. H., Alves, N. G., Ferreira, M. B. D., Drumond, R. C., Santos, R. N., Rodrigues, T. A., Sudano, M. J., Souza, J. C., El Azzi, M. S. . Does the addition of the selective agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPARδ) L-165041 in bovine embryos produced in vitro improve cryotolerance?. In: 32nd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), 2018, Florianópolis. Anais da XXXII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de Embriões, 2018. v. 15. p. 425-425.
Viafara, J. A. S., Vasconcelos, G. L., El Azzi, M. S., Alves, N., Ribeiro, A. L. A. P. L., Maculan, R., Moreira, G. M., Ribeiro, C. V., Guimaraes, A. S. B., Souza, J. C. Antral follicle count (AFC) and its association with reproductive traits in cow. In: 31st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), 2017, Cabo de Santo Agostinho. Anais da XXXI Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de Embriões, 2017.
Guimaraes, A. S. B., El Azzi, M. S., Nascimento, G. M., Santana, A. L. A., Biscarde, C. E. A., Barbosa, L. P. Oocyte quality and in vitro embryo production of Taurine and Zebu cattle. In: 31st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), 2017, Cabo de Santo Agostinho. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), 2017.
Selected Posters
El Azzi, M. S., Cardoso, J. L. L., Landeo, R. A., de Souza, J. C., Pontes, J. H. F., & Martins, J. P. N. The effect of inducing an accessory corpus luteum with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone or human chorionic gonadotrophin at the day of embryo transfer on fertility of recipient dairy heifers and lactating cows. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting (DCRC). 2022.
El Azzi, M. S., Sala, R. V., Leão, I. M. R., Anta-Galván, E., Fricke, V. C., Absalon-Medina, V. A., Dominguez, M., de Souza, J. C., and Martins, J. P. N. Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on d 0 and 5 of the estrous cycle on pregnancy per embryo transfer in recipient dairy heifers. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting (DCRC). 2021
Volunteer teacher, Reproduction – The University of Lavras (2016 – 2021).
Guest lecture, Equine – The University of Lavras (2017 – 2019).