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Madison, WI 53706

Kent Weigel is Professor and Chair of the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at UW-Madison. He holds research, extension and teaching appointments and serves a technical consultant for numerous companies and organizations in the dairy genetics industry. His research focuses on genetic selection and genome-guided management programs to improve the productivity, health, fertility, and feed efficiency of dairy cattle using tools such as whole genome selection, advanced reproductive technologies, crossbreeding, electronic data capture systems, and artificial intelligence algorithms. Dr. Weigel has published approximately 200 peer-reviewed journal articles on various aspects of genetic improvement and management of dairy cattle and has given lectures to academic, industry, and producer audiences in more than thirty countries.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Martin, M. J., J. R. R. Dórea, M. R. Borchers, R. L. Wallace, S. J. Bertics, S. K. DeNise, K. A. Weigel, and H. M. White. 2021. Comparison of methods to predict feed intake and residual feed intake using behavioral and metabolite data in addition to classical performance variables. Journal of Dairy Science (in press;
Martin, M. J., K. W. Weigel, and H. M. White. 2021. Assessment of the relationship between postpartum health and mid-lactation performance, behavior, and feed efficiency in Holstein dairy cows. Animals 11:1385 (
Quick, A. E., J. Meronek, K. Amburn, K. Rozeboom, and K. A. Weigel. 2021. Predicting sperm production of young dairy bulls using collection history and management factors. Journal of Dairy Science 104:5817-5826.
Li, B., P. M. VanRaden, E. Gunal, D. J. Null, E. E. Connor, M. J. VandeHaar, R. J. Tempelman, K. A. Weigel, and J. B. Cole. 2020. Genomic prediction of residual feed intake in U.S. Holstein dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 103:2477-2486.
Uddin, E. M., O. Santana, K. A. Weigel, and M. A Wattiaux. 2020. Enteric methane, lactation performance, digestibility, and metabolism of nitrogen and energy of Holsteins and Jerseys fed 2 levels of forage fiber from alfalfa silage or corn silage. Journal of Dairy Science 103:6087-6099.
Pralle, R. S., N. E. Schultz, H. M. White, and K. A. Weigel. 2020. Hyperketonemia GWAS and parity dependent SNP associations in Holstein dairy cows intensively sampled for blood β-hydroxybutyrate concentration. Physiological Genomics 52:347-357.
Quick, A. E., T. L. Ollivett, B. W. Kirkpatrick, and K. A. Weigel. 2020. Genomic analysis of bovine respiratory disease and lung consolidation in pre-weaned Holstein calves using clinical scoring and lung ultrasound. Journal of Dairy Science 103:1632-1641.
Li, B., L. Fang, D. J. Null, J. L. Hutchison, E. E. Connor, P. M. VanRaden, M. J. VandeHaar, R. J. Tempelman, K. A. Weigel, and J. B. Cole. 2019. High-density genome-wide association study for residual feed intake in Holstein dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 102:11067-11080.
Schultz, N. E., and K. A. Weigel. 2019. Inclusion of herdmate data improves genomic prediction for milk production and feed efficiency traits within North American dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science 102:11081-11091.
Williams, K. T., K. A. Weigel, W. K. Coblentz, N. M. Esser, H. Schlesser, P. C. Hoffman, H. Su, and M. S. Akins. 2019. Effect of diet energy density and genomic residual feed intake on pre-bred dairy heifer feed efficiency, growth, and manure excretion. Journal of Dairy Science 102:4041-4050.
Abdalla, E. B., F. B. Lopes, T. M. Byrem, K. A. Weigel, and G. J. M. Rosa. 2019. Genomic prediction of bovine leukosis incidence in a US Holstein population. Livestock Science 225:73-77.
Weigel, K. A., and G. E. Shook. 2018. Genetic selection for mastitis resistance. Veterinary Clinics – Food Animal Practice 34:457-472.
Pralle, R. S., K. A. Weigel, and H. M. White. 2018. Predicting blood β-hydroxybutyrate in multiparous cows using milk Fourier transform infrared spectrum, milk composition, and producer-recorded variables with multiple linear regression, partial least squares regression, and artificial neural network. Journal of Dairy Science 101:4378-4387.
Lu, Y., M. J. VandeHaar, D. M. Spurlock, K. A. Weigel, L. E. Armentano, E. E. Connor, M. Coffey, R. F. Veerkamp, Y. de Haas, C. R. Staples, Z. Wang, M. D. Hanigan and R. J. Tempelman. 2018. Genome wide association analyses based on a multiple trait approach for modeling feed efficiency. Journal of Dairy Science 101:3140-3154.
Cordoba, M. C., P. L. Ruegg, R. D. Shaver, K. A. Weigel, P. D. Carvalho, P. M. Fricke, and V. E. Cabrera. 2018. Repro Money: An extension program to improve dairy farm reproductive performance. Journal of Extension 56(2):2RIB4.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Should I consider using genomics and IVF? 2019. Western Dairy Management Conference, Reno, NV (February 26-28).
Selected Popular Press Articles
Weigel, K. A. 2020. Feed Saved – A Path to Breeding More Efficient Cows? Dairy Business Magazine (December issue).
Quick, A. E., and K. A. Weigel. 2018. Genetics could reduce respiratory disease. Hoard’s Dairyman (November).
Weigel, K. A. 2018. Reproductive technologies to consider – genomics, IVF. Progressive Dairyman – Canada Edition (June).
Undergraduate Courses
Inter-Ag 488 – Honors Research Seminar (1 credit, Spring)
Description: Development and evaluation of undergraduate research proposals, discussion of best practices for gaining admission to graduate programs and identifying effective mentors, exploration of career opportunities for research in the public and private sectors, and interaction with seniors who have successfully completed the CALS Honors in Research program.
Requirements: Declared in CALS College Honors and INTER-AG 388
Dy Sci 135 – Animal Sciences 135 – Grand Challenges and Career Opportunities in Animal and Dairy Sciences (1 credit, Fall)
Description: Covers the current key challenges and opportunities in the broad fields of animal agriculture, animal biology, animal health, and veterinary medicine, as well as internship and career opportunities and professional development activities that will maximize the value of an undergraduate career at UW-Madison and provide preparation for post-graduation endeavors.
Biological Science Divisional Committee, UW-Madison
Department Chair, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences
Technical Advisor, National Association of Animal Breeders
Technical Advisor, American Jersey Cattle Association
UW-Madison Steering Committee, Dairy Innovation Hub
Robert G. F. and Hazel T. Spitze Land Grant Faculty Award for Excellence, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, UW-Madison (2020)
Award for Meritorious Service, American Jersey Cattle Association. (2017)
Lush Award in Animal Breeding and Genetics, American Dairy Science Assn. (2010)
J.S. Donald Farm and Industry Short Course Teaching Award, UW-Madison (2009)
Pound Extension Award, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, UW-Madison (2008)
Pound Research Award, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, UW-Madison (2005)
Foundation Scholar Award, American Dairy Science Association (2003)
Agway Inc. Young Scientist Award, American Dairy Science Association (2003)