Jennifer Van Os is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Animal Welfare on the faculty of the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Van Os received her PhD in the interdisciplinary Animal Behavior graduate program at the University of California-Davis and conducted postdoctoral research in the Animal Welfare Program at the University of British Columbia. The research in her lab at UW-Madison focuses on understanding, evaluating, and improving the welfare of dairy animals from biological- and social-science perspectives. The goal of Dr. Van Os’ extension program is to promote best practices in management and housing to help the dairy industry adapt as our scientific knowledge about animal welfare continues to grow.
Select Peer-Reviewed Publications
Van Os, J., K. Reuscher, B. Dado-Senn, and J. Laporta. 2024. Invited symposium review: Thermal stress impacts on calf welfare. JDS Communications. https://doi.org/10.3168/jdsc.2023-0443.
Reuscher, K.J., N.B. Cook, C.E. Halbach, M.R. Mondaca, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2024. Consistent stall air speeds in commercial dairy farms are associated with less variability in cow lying times. Frontiers in Animal Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fanim.2024.1422937.
Reyes, F., H. White, K. Weigel, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2024. Behavioral consistency of competitive behaviors and feeding patterns in lactating dairy cows across stocking densities at the feed bunk. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2024.1302573.
Reyes, F., H. White, K. Weigel, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2024. Preference for feed bins shared with cows of the same or different parity and relationships with feeding behavior and feed efficiency. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23798.
Riesgraf, K.A., K.A. Weigel, M.S. Akins, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2024. Long-term effects of pre-weaning individual or pair housing of dairy heifer calves on subsequent growth and feed efficiency. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14050716.
Robbins, J., G. Coleman, P. Hemsworth, L. Hemsworth, J. Skuse, K. Proudfoot, E. Strand, P. Krawczel, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2023. Perceptions of dairy animal handling situations: A comparison of U.S. public and industry samples. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23496.
Van Os, J., K. Reuscher, B. Dado-Senn, and J. Laporta. 2023. Invited symposium review: Thermal stress impacts on calf welfare. JDS Communications. https://doi.org/10.3168j/jdsc.2023-0443.
Reuscher, K., N.B. Cook, T.E. da Silva, M.R. Mondaca, K.M. Luchterhand, and J.M.C Van Os. 2023. Effects of different air speeds at cow resting height in freestalls on heat stress responses and resting behavior in lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23364.
Reuscher, K., R. Salter, T.E. da Silva, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2023. Comparison of behavior, thermoregulation, and growth of pair- vs. individually housed calves in outdoor hutches during continental wintertime. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23941.
Reuscher, K., R. Salter, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2023. Thermal comfort and ventilation preferences of dairy calves raised in paired outdoor hutches during summertime. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-24006.
Reyes, F., H.M. White, K.A. Weigel, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2023. Social interactions, feeding patterns, and feed efficiency in same- and mixed-parity groups of lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23295.
Reyes, F.S., A.R. Gimenez, K.M. Anderson, E.K. Miller-Cushon, J.R. Dorea, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2022. Impact of stationary brush quantity on brush use in group-housed dairy heifers. Animals 12:972. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani2080972.
Salter, R., K. Reuscher, and J.M.C. Van Os. 2021. Milk- and starter-feeding strategies to reduce cross sucking in pair-housed calves in outdoor hutches. Journal of Dairy Science 104:6096-6112. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19380. Selected as Editor’s Choice.
Select Book Chapters
Miller-Cushon, E., J.M.C. Van Os. 2021. Advances in understanding behavioral needs and improving the welfare of calves and heifers. Chapter 8 in Understanding the Behavior and Improving the Welfare of Dairy Cattle, edited by M. Endres. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. ISBN: 978 1 78676 459 1. (6)
Van Os, J.M.C. 2019. Considerations for cooling dairy cows with water. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 35:157-173. Housing to Optimize Comfort, Health and Productivity of Dairy Cattle, edited by N.B. Cook. (6)
Select Popular Press Articles
Reuscher, K.G. and J. Van Os. 2024. Getting cozy: Pair-housing calves as a potential solution to cold stress. Progressive Dairy. https://www.agproud.com/articles/60181-getting-cozy-pair-housing-calves-as-a-potential-solution-to-cold-stress
Reuscher, K.G. and J. Van Os. 2024. Calves can vote too: Preferences for hutch ventilation during summer. Progressive Dairy. https://www.agproud.com/articles/59540-calves-can-vote-too-preferences-for-hutch-ventilation-during-summer
Van Os, J., T. Kohlman, E. Miller-Cushon, and T. Ollivett. 2022. Why all the fuss about pair housing? Article #1 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves. http://animalwelfare.cals.wisc.edu/calf_pairing/
Van Os, J., J. Costa, T. Kohlman, and T. Ollivett. 2022. Benchmarks for calf health before pair housing. Article #2 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves.
Van Os, J., C. Halbach, T. Kohlman, T. Ollivett, and D. Sockett. 2022. Hygiene practices. Article #3 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves.
Van Os, J., C. Halbach, T. Kohlman, and T. Ollivett. 2022. Options for housing pairs or groups. Article #4 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves.
Van Os, J., C. Halbach, T. Kohlman, T. Ollivett, and E. Miller-Cushon. 2022. Grouping strategies. Article #5 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves.
Van Os, J., E. Miller-Cushon, T. Kohlman, and T. Ollivett. 2022. Feeding practices and reducing cross sucking. Article #6 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves.
Stuttgen, S., J. Van Os, S. Adcock, and T. Kohlman. 2022. Disbudding and dehorning considerations. Article #7 in Two heads are better than one: A starter guide to pairing dairy calves.
Van Os, J. 2021. Reduce cross-sucking using simple adjustments to feeding methods. Progressive Dairy. https://www.agproud.com/articles/54758-reduce-cross-sucking-using-simple-adjustments-to-feeding-methods
Robbins, J., B. Ventura, J. Van Os. 2020. How do we maintain consumer confidence when it comes to animal care? Hoard’s Dairyman. https://hoards.com/article-28808-how-do-we-maintain-consumer-confidence.html
Van Os, J. 2019. Let cows choose. Dairy’s Bottom Line. https://www.agupdate.com/let-cows-choose/article_1729b0a8-893b-5de9-b0c0-4fd448a7d1f4.html
Van Os, J. 2019. Animal welfare should be a strength for a dairy operation, not a threat. Wisconsin State Farmer. https://www.wisfarmer.com/story/opinion/columnists/2019/06/12/animal-welfare-should-strength-dairy-operation-not-threat/1416347001/
Van Os, J. 2019. Animal care includes providing dairy cattle with opportunities for important behaviors. Progressive Dairy. https://www.agproud.com/articles/37712-animal-care-includes-providing-dairy-cattle-with-opportunities-for-important-behaviors
Select Videos
Mooving Cows (https://youtu.be/864HQXFxOVs?si=5JS9Qi42e4NTFC5O)
UW Dairy Animal Welfare Specialist Thankful for the Cows. Wisconsin Life. 24 December, 2019. https://www.wisconsinlife.org/story/uw-dairy-animal-welfare-specialist-thankful-for-the-cows/ or https://pbswisconsin.org/watch/wisconsin-life/cow-comfort-zzuqtb/
(1) Appropriate cow handling by dairy personnel
(2) Social rearing of pre-weaned calves (pair and group housing)
(3) Thermal comfort across life stages
(4) Animal welfare science and policy
Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Animal Care program: Version 5.0 taskforce (2021-2024)
USDA-NIFA-AFRI Foundational & Applied Science Program, Animal Welfare & Well-Being program area priority (A1251) – Panel Manager, Panelist
International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE): Communications Officer (2016-2020); Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce (2020)
Excellence in Research Award. Division of Extension, UW-Madison (2024)
Alfred Toepfer Faculty Fellow Award. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW-Madison (2021-2022)