http://fpenagaricano-lab.orgOffice Location
1675 Observatory Dr
436 Animal Sciences
Madison, WI 53706
Francisco Peñagaricano is originally from Uruguay, where he earned his BS (2005) in Biology and Biochemistry and his MS (2010) in Animal Science, all from Universidad de la República. He continued his graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin where he earned his MS (2014) in Statistics and Ph.D. (2014) in Animal Science. Before joining UW, Francisco was a faculty member (2015-2020) in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida.
His research interests are in quantitative genomics and computational biology. His research program focuses on the development and application of methods to dissect the genetic architecture of economically relevant traits in livestock. He typically combines large, nationwide phenotypic datasets or field experiments, with high–throughput genomic technologies, and advanced statistical and computational methods in order to elucidate the connection between genome and phenotype. His research involves gene mapping, gene-set analysis, genomic prediction, methylome and transcriptome analysis, multi-omics data integration, and network modeling.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
LT Casarotto, HN Jones, P Chavatte-Palmer, J Laporta, F Peñagaricano, V Ouellet, JJ Bromfield, and GE Dahl (2024) Late gestation heat stress alters placental structure and function in multiparous dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science (in press)
HA Pacheco, A Rossoni, A Cecchinato, and F Peñagaricano (2024) Genomic prediction of male fertility in Brown Swiss cattle. JDS Communications (in press)
KA Weigel, A Chasco, HA Pacheco, A Sigdel, FL Guinan, MR Lauber, PM Fricke, and F Peñagaricano (2024) Genomic selection in dairy cattle: impact and contribution to the improvement of bovine fertility. Clinical Theriogenology (in press)
HO Toledo-Alvarado, RJ Tempelman, M Lopez-Cruz, MJ VandeHaar, JEP Santos, F Peñagaricano, P Khanal, and G de los Campos (2024) Selection indices for residual feed intake derived from milk spectra. Journal of Dairy Science (in press)
G Martinez Boggio, HF Monteiro, FS Lima, CC Figueiredo, RS Bisinotto, JEP Santos, B Mion, FS Schenkel, ES Ribeiro, KA Weigel, GJM Rosa, and F Peñagaricano (2024) Investigating relationships between the genome, rumen microbiome, and feed efficiency using mediation analysis with structural equation modeling. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 8193-8204.
BM Nascimento, L Cavani, MJ Caputo, M Nehme Marinho, MR Borchers, RL Wallace, JEP Santos, HM White, F Peñagaricano, and KA Weigel (2024) Genetic relationships between behavioral traits and feed efficiency traits in lactating Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 8141-8149.
G Madureira, B Mion, B Van Winters, F Peñagaricano, J Li, and ES Ribeiro (2024) Endometrial responsiveness to interferon-tau and its association with subsequent reproductive performance in dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 7371-7391.
AR Guadagnin, F Peñagaricano, GE Dahl, and J Laporta (2024) Programming effects of intrauterine hyperthermia on adrenal gland development. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 6308-6321.
LC Novo, KL Parker Gaddis, XL Wu, TM McWhorter, J Burchard, HD Norman, J Dürr, RH Fourdraine, and F Peñagaricano (2024) Genetic parameters and genetic trends for Johne’s disease in U.S. Holsteins: an updated study. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 4804-4821.
U Arshad, F Peñagaricano, and HM White (2024) Effects of feeding rumen-protected lysine during the postpartum period on performance and amino acids profile in dairy cows: A meta-analysis. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 4537-4557.
G Martinez Boggio, HF Monteiro, FS Lima, CC Figueiredo, RS Bisinotto, JEP Santos, B Mion, FS Schenkel, ES Ribeiro, KA Weigel, and F Peñagaricano (2024) Host and rumen microbiome contributions to feed efficiency traits in Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 3090-3103.
FL Guinan, RH Fourdraine, F Peñagaricano, and KA Weigel (2024) Genetic analysis of lactation consistency in U.S. Holsteins using temporal variation in daily milk weights. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 2194-2206.
L Cavani, KL Parker Gaddis, RL Baldwin, JEP Santos, JE Koltes, RJ Tempelman, MJ VandeHaar, HM White, F Peñagaricano, and KA Weigel (2024) Consistency of dry matter intake in Holstein cows: heritability estimates and associations with feed efficiency. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 1054-1067.
F Peñagaricano (2024) Genomics and dairy bull fertility. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 40: 185-190.
Selected Book Chapters
JE Koltes and F Peñagaricano (2019) Linking genotype to phenotype: functional annotation as a tool to advance dairy cattle breeding. In: Advances in Breeding of Dairy Cattle. Chapter 16. Burleigh Dodds Science.
F Peñagaricano (2019) Genetics and genomics of dairy cattle. In: Animal Agriculture: Challenges, Innovations, and Sustainability. pp 101-119. Elsevier.
F Peñagaricano, A De Vries, and DT Bennink (2017) Genomic selection and reproductive technologies to optimize herd replacements. In: Large Dairy Herd Management, 3rd ed. pp 379-388. ADSA® Foundation.
GJM Rosa, VPS Felipe, and F Peñagaricano (2016) Applications of Graphical Models in Quantitative Genetics and Genomics. In: Systems Biology in Animal Production and Health, Vol. 1. pp 95-116. Springer International Publishing.
AN SCI 366 Concepts in Genomics (3 credits, Fall)
Description: Basic overview of the latest concepts in genomics, including genome organization, the importance of genome annotation, the use of genomic testing in plant and animal breeding, the potential of genomic prediction on human medicine, and the latest advances in omics integration.
AN SCI 865 Design and Analysis of Biological Studies (4 credits, Spring)
Description: The fundamentals of linear models, generalized linear models, experimental design, and data analysis using common examples from biological studies.
Section Editor Journal of Dairy Science
Associate Editor BMC Genomics
Associate Editor Frontiers in Genetics
Associate Editor Animal The international journal of animal biosciences
Editorial Board Journal of Dairy Science
Excellence Award for Assistant Professors, University of Florida (2019)