Carey Hannan

Research Program Coordinator

Office Location

1675 Observatory Dr
714 Animal Sciences Building
Madison, WI 53706

MS Animals and Public Policy, Tufts University 2003

BS Wildlife Ecology UW-Madison 1995


Research Specialist UW-Madison Dept of Ophthalmology 2000-2004

Research Specialist UW-Madsion SMPH 2004-2008 Animal Program

Assessment Specialist UW-Madison RARC 2008-2012

Inspection Specialist UW-Madison RARC 2012- 2021

Associate IACUC Administrator UW-Madison RARC 2021-2024

Research Program Coordinator UW-Madison Dept. of Animal & Dairy Sciences 2024-present.

Selected Peer Reviewed Articles

Jones, Stephanie & Hannan, Ciaran & Obermeyer, W. & Benca, Ruth. (2010). SEASONAL SLEEP PATTERNS IN THE WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW (ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS GAMBELII). Sleep. 33. A73-A73.

Jones, Stephanie & Paletz, Elliott & Obermeyer, William & Hannan, Ciaran & Benca, Ruth. (2010). Seasonal influences on sleep and executive function in the migratory White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). BMC neuroscience. 11. 87. 10.1186/1471-2202-11-87

Newman, Sarah & Hannan, Ciaran & Paletz, E. & Johnson, S. & Benca, Ruth. (2007). Seasonal changes in EEG verified sleep in the white crowned sparrow (Z. leucophrys gambelii). Conference: 21st Annual Meeting of the Association-Professional-Sleep-Societies. Sleep. 30. A37-A37

Lab Management Community of Practice Steering Committee 2017-2019

US Forest Service IACUC Non-Affiliated Member 2020-2024