Office Location
Animal Sciences
1675 Observatory Drive, Office 472A
Madison WI, 53706

Bárbara is originally from Brazil, where she received her DVM degree in 2014 at Federal University of Paraná. At the same university, she received her M.S. (2017) and Ph.D. (2021) degrees in Animal Science, working mostly with animal breeding and quantitative genetics focused on beef cattle. She did part of her Ph.D. in Australia as visitor scholar at the University of Queensland, in Brisbane. At UW-Madison, she is mentored by Francisco Peñagaricano and kent Weigel. Her research is focused on the effect of heat stress in feed efficiency of dairy cows and involves quantitative genetics and high-throughput phenotypes. In her spare time, she likes to watch movies, cook, and explore new places around Madison with her husband.
Selected Peer Reviewed Articles
BM Nascimento, CW Wolfe, KA Weigel, and F Peñagaricano (2023) Effects of type traits, inbreeding, and production on survival in US Jersey cattle. Journal of Dairy Science (forthcoming)
BM Nascimento, R Carvalheiro, RA Teixeira, LT Dias, and MRS Fortes (2022) Weak genotype x environment interaction suggests that measuring scrotal circumference at 12 and 18 mo of age is helpful to select precocious Brahman cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 100:skac236.
BM Nascimento, GF Silva, R Carvalheiro, RA Teixeira, and LT DIAS (2020) Alternative adjustment of scrotal circumference for growth traits in Nellore cattle. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 49:e20190183.
Tamioso, PR, LT Dias, RA Teixeira, BM Nascimento, GF Silva, and JV Portes (2015) Environmental and genetic effects of reactivity traits in Île-de-France x Texel crossbred lambs. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 43:1289.
BM Nascimento, A. L. Somavilla, LT Dias, and RA Teixeira (2014) Environmental and genetic effects on weight and visual score traits at postweaning in Suffolk sheep. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 46:1265-1269.
Tamioso, PR, LT Dias, RA Teixeira, BM Nascimento, GF Silva, and JV Portes (2014) Reatividade e desempenho em cordeiros cruzados Suffolk x Île-de-France. Ciência Rural, 44:2258-2264.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Nascimento, B. M., C. W. Wolfe, K. A. Weigel, and F. Peñagaricano. 2023. Effects of type traits, inbreeding, and production on survival in US Jersey cattle. In: 2023 American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Nascimento, B. M., L. Cavani, M. J. Caputo, M. Borchers, R. L. Wallace, H. M. White, F. Peñagaricano, and K. A. Weigel. 2023. Genetic associations between behavioral and feed efficiency traits in US Holstein cows. In: 2023 American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Nascimento, B. M., R. A. Teixeira, and L. T. Dias. 2018. Ranking correlation among breeding values of Nelore bulls for scrotal circumference adjusted to different growth traits. In: 55ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, Goiânia, GO, Brazil.
Nascimento, B. M., G. F. Silva, R. A. Teixeira, and L. T. Dias. 2017. Adjustment of scrotal circunference for growth traits in Nelore cattle. In: 54ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil.
Nascimento, B. M., G.F. Silva, R. A. Teixeira, and L. T. Dias. 2017. Genetic correlation among age at first calving and scrotal circunference adjusted for growth traits in Nelore cattle. In: 54ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil.
Nascimento, B. M., L. T. Dias, and R. A. Teixeira. 2016. Selection criteria for sexual precocity and growth traits in Nelore bulls. In: 1st International Meeting of Advances in Animal Science, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil.