Student Profile: Elizabeth Ziegler ’23

Elizabeth Ziegler

Hometown: Fond du Lac, WI

High School: Fond du Lac High School

Class Size: 500

Farm: Eastern Ridges Vineyard

Major: Animal Science

Why did you decide to attend UW-Madison?

As soon as I toured the UW-Madison campus, I knew I belonged here. I had toured a few other colleges around Wisconsin, but none of them piqued my interest like UW-Madison’s campus. I fell in love with the downtown feel and the liveliness of the city. I always dreamed of attending UW-Madison because of its amazing reputation and its animal science program that is not offered at many other schools in Wisconsin. I did not know exactly what I wanted to major in when coming to UW-Madison, but I knew attending this school would allow me to have the flexibility in choosing my major. UW-Madison is never running low on opportunities for students, and I am so grateful to attend a university that believes so heavily in student involvement.

What has been your most memorable college experience?

My most memorable college experience was being an undergraduate facilitator (similar to a TA) for the Animal Science 101/102 course. In this position, me and the other undergraduate facilitators would create pre-lab and post-lab assignments for the students to complete. We would also lead stations that the students would rotate through during their laboratory sections. The most rewarding part of this position was interacting with the students and having friendly conversations with them. It was fun to give them advice about student life at UW-Madison and learn about each student on a personal level. I think having these conversations with the students allowed me to better teach them and understand their backgrounds.

What has been your favorite course?

My favorite course was Animal Science 305, or Meat Science. This course included laboratories in the Meat Science and Animal Biologics Discovery building on campus, and involved hands-on experience with meat. This course taught me so much about the meat industry and I loved stepping out of my comfort zone in the labs.

What are your future career goals?

My future career goals are to attend veterinary school and become either a small animal veterinarian or a military veterinarian.This article was posted in Blog.