Jim Claus

Claus Lab

Professor - Meat Science

Research, Teaching



Office Location

1933 Observatory Dr
2120 Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building
Madison, WI 53706

Dr. James Claus joined the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the fall of 1999 as an Associate Professor in a teaching-research position specializing in muscle foods technology. Jim served as the Director of the Meat Science and Muscle Biology laboratory. Jim was promoted to a Full Professor in 2012. Jim was a faculty member (1989, tenured in 1995) in the Department of Food Science and Technology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). Jim received his Ph.D. (1989) and M.S. (1982) from Kansas State University.

Jim’s research primarily is the area of meat quality with emphasis in two distinct areas of muscle foods that include: 1) meat color chemistry and 2) improvement in lean meat tenderness through modulation of prerigor biochemistry and the development of postmortem tenderization technologies. Additional focus involves functionality of non-meat ingredients on improving processed meat quality as well as the development of low-sodium, low-fat products. Recent efforts have also focused on eliminating salmonella located in lymph nodes within meat carcasses. Jim has published 72 refereed journals, two refereed conference proceedings, eight invited papers, and three book chapters (shockwave tenderization, muscle foods).

Jim teaches two undergraduate courses (ANSCI 305, Introduction to Meat Science and Technology; ANSCI 515, Commercial Meat Processing). Has also provided instruction in the Department’s Senior Capstone course.

Jim worked in the meat industry after receiving his M.S. degree. Jim worked as a production supervisor (1982) Patrick Cudahy. While employed by Superior Brand Meats Incorporated, he was a food technologist (1983) at Sugardale Foods, and a quality control manager (1984) at Carriage Hill Foods. While pursuing his undergraduate degree at the University of Connecticut, he worked in the meat lab and managed the retail meat store.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

Kethavath, S.C., da Cunha Moreira, L., Hwang, K-e, Mickelson, M.A., Campbell, R.E., Chen, L. & Claus, J.R. 2021. Vascular rinsing and chilling effects on meat quality attributes from cull dairy cows associated with the two lowest-valued marketing classes. Meat Science, 10.1016/j.meatsci.2021.108660

Kilic, B., Simsek, A., Claus, J. R., Karaca, E., & Bilecen, D. (2019). Effects of partial and complete replacement of added phosphates with encapsulated phosphates on lipid oxidation inhibition in cooked ground meat during storage. Food Sci. Technol. International, https://doi.org/10.1177/1082013219881519

Mickelson, M. A. & Claus, J. R. (2019). Carcass chilling method effects on color and tenderness of bison meat. Meat Science. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.108002. First published version available online: 7-NOV-2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.108002

Claus, J. R., & Jeong, J. Y. (2018). Processing conditions and endpoint temperature effects on development of pink defect without pink-generating ligands in cooked ground turkey breast. Poult Sci. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex168.

Kılıç, B., Şimşek, A., Claus, J. R., Karaca, E., & Bilecen, D. (2018). Improving lipid oxidation inhibition in cooked beef hamburger patties during refrigerated storage with encapsulated polyphosphate incorporation. Lwt, 92, 290-296. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.02.037

Fowler, S. M., Claus, J. M.[R.], & Hopkins, D. L. (2017). The effect of applying a rinse and chill procedure to lamb carcases immediately post-death on meat quality? Meat Sci, 134, 124-127. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2017.07.015

Warner, R. D., McDonnell, C. K., Bekhit, A. E. D., Claus, J., Vaskoska, R., Sikes, A., Dunshea, F. R. & Ha, M. (2017). Systematic review of emerging and innovative technologies for meat tenderisation. Meat Sci, 132, 72-89. doi: 0.1016/j.meatsci.2017.04.241

Kılıç, B., Şimşek, A., Claus, J. R., & Atılgan, E. (2016). Melting release point of encapsulated phosphates and heating rate effects on control of lipid oxidation in cooked ground meat. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 66, 398-405.

Kiliç, B., Şimsek, A., Claus, J. R., & Atilgan, E. (2014). Encapsulated phosphates reduce lipid oxidation in both ground chicken and ground beef during raw and cooked meat storage with some influence on color, pH, and cooking loss. Meat Science 97(1): 93-103.

Sickler, M. L., Claus, J.R., Marriott, N.G., Eigel, W.E., & Wang, H. (2013). Reduction in lipid oxidation by incorporation of encapsulated sodium tripolyphosphate in ground turkey. Meat Science 95(2):376-380.

Joseph, P., Suman, S. P., Li, S., Claus, J. R., Fontaine, M., & Steinke, L. (2011). Primary structure of turkey myoglobin. Food Chemistry, 129(1), 175-178.

Vogel, K. D., Badtram, G., Claus, J. R., Grandin, T., Turpin, S., Weyker, R. E., & Voogd, E. (2011a). Head-only followed by cardiac arrest electrical stunning is an effective alternative to head-only electrical stunning in pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 89(5), 1412-1418.

Vogel, K. D., Claus, J. R., Grandin, T., Oetzel, G. R., & Schaefer, D. M. (2011b). Effect of water and feed withdrawal and health status on blood and serum components, body weight loss, and meat and carcass characteristics of Holstein slaughter cows. Journal of Animal Science, 89(2), 538-548.

Jeong, J. Y., & Claus, J. R. (2010). Color stability and reversion in carbon monoxide packaged ground beef. Meat Science, 85(3), 525-530.

Selected Book Chapters

Bolumar, T., & Claus, J. R. 2017. Utilizing Shockwaves for Meat Tenderization. Module in Food Sciences. Elsevier Inc. Academic Press., Chapter January 2017, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21323-1

Claus, J. R. 2017. Emerging Technologies in Meat Processing- Production, Processing and Technology. Chapter 7- Application of hydrodynamic shock wave processing associated with meat and processed meat products. E. J. Cummins & J. G. Lyng (Eds.), (pp. 171-210). Claus, J. R., & Hunt, M. C. (1991). Low-fat high added-water bologna formulated with texture-modifying ingredients. Journal of Food Science, 56(3), 643-647,652.

Claus, J.R., Colby, Jhung-Won, and Flick, G.J. 1994. Processed Meats/Poultry/Seafood. Ch. 5, pages 106-162. In Muscle Foods Meat Poultry and Seafood Technology, D.M. Kinsman, A.W. Kotula, and B.C. Breidenstein (Eds.), Chapman & Hall.

Selected Popular Press Articles

Claus, J.R. 1999. The Tendercut Process. Meat&Poultry 45(9): 68,70,72-73.

Claus, J.R. 1999. Preventing fecal contamination on poultry carcasses. Meat&Poultry 45(12): 48,50.

Claus, J.R. 2002. Shock treatment- shock waves are an effective tool for tenderizing meat. Meat&Poultry 48(12):61-63.

Selected Other Publications

Claus, J.R. 2007. Color Changes in Cooked Beef. Fact sheet. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

Undergraduate Courses

An Sci/Food Sci 305 – Introduction to Meat Science & Technology (4 credits, Spring)
Course Description: Application of biological, technological, and economical principles to muscle and related tissue utilized for food.
Requirements: Zoo 101&102, or Zoo 151&152, CHEM 103

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Graduate Courses

An Sci/Food Sci 515 – Commercial Meat Processing (2 credits, Fall)
Course description: Principles and procedures in the commercial manufacture of processed meat products; sausage manufacturing, curing, smoking, freezing and packaging.
Requirements: AN SCI/​FOOD SCI  305 or FOOD SCI 410 or cons inst. Zool 101 102, or Zool 151 152 (recommended); CHEM 103

Professional Service:

AMSA: Co-host chair of Reciprocal Meat Conference (UW-Madison), chair Distinguished Teaching award committee, International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Committee (member)

External Ph.D. Examiner (Universities in Sweden, Finland, & Canada)

Meat Science Journal, editorial board member

Department Service:

Meat Science and Muscle Biology Laboratory, director (2009-2017)

Nominations Committee

Search Committees (for faculty and staff)

SOAR advising

Undergraduate Committee

Distinguished Teaching Award, American Meat Science Association (’15) 

Chair, Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association (’99, ’14)  

Board of Directors, American Meat Science Association (’97 – ‘99) 

Chair, Muscle Foods Division of the IFT (’99) 

Recipient USDA Food Science Ph.D. Fellowship (’85 – ‘88). 

External Ph.D. examiner (Swedish University of Ag, University of Helsinki, University of Saskatchewan)