608-262-0555Office Location
1933 Observatory Dr
2108 Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building
Madison, WI 53706

Jeffrey Sindelar is a Professor and Extension Meat Specialist in Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences working in area of Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery with an 80% Extension / 20% Research appointment. Jeff joined the Department of Animal Sciences in 2007 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and Professor in 2020.
Jeff’s Extension program is intended to provide accurate and scientifically based information and assistance to meat processors in the areas of food safety, product development, problem solving, and regulatory compliance. Core Extension programing includes 1) supporting over 500 licensed WI meat and poultry processing establishments by providing technical support and science-based guidance; 2) creating and administering Meat Science and Food Safety programs to a variety of meat and poultry constituents (e.g. meat processing industry, allied industry, government, youth, consumers) designed to positively impact the viability and growth of the meat and poultry industries in WI and across the U.S.; 3) supporting youth meat science activities and provides consumer education on meat safety, nutrition, and consumption.
The primary goals of Jeff’s research program are to evaluate new technologies and ingredients for improved utilization of meat and poultry and to improve safety and quality of processed meat and poultry products. A secondary goal is to research and provide solutions to specific questions for issues that arise in the meat industry following a scientifically based and industry useful model approach. Major research thrusts of my applied research program have included: 1) improving the safety of meat and poultry products through thermal processing (lethality) and cooling (stabilization) interventions; 2) investigating and improving the safety of conventional and uncured (aka. no-nitrate and/or no-nitrite added; “alternative cured”) processed meat and poultry products with ingredients such as natural/clean label antimicrobials; 4) understanding beef x dairy crossbreeding impacts production and meat quality/carcass characteristics; and 4) investigating novel technologies (e.g. sodium reduction in processed meats, sensitive sanitation monitoring) related to meat processing.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Sindelar, J.J., R. Hanson, K.A. Glass, A.L. Milkowski, R.P. McMinn, and J. Nehls. 2021. Validating a method to ensure the destruction of Salmonella on product surfaces during impingement cooking. Meat and Muscle Biology (accepted, in proofing)
Smith, N.W., J.J. Sindelar, and S.A. Rankin. 2019. Quantities of adenylate homologues (ATP+ADP+AMP) change over time in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 82, No. 12, 2019, Pages 2088–2093
Sindelar. J., K. Glass, R. Hanson, J.G. Sebranek, J. Cordray, and J.S. Dickson. Validation of lethality and stabilization processes for products with slow come up time: bacon and bone-in ham. in press
Seman, D.L., D.D. Boler, C.C. Carr, M.E. Dikeman, C.M. Owens, J.T. Keeton, T.D. Pringle, J.J. Sindelar, D.R. Woerner, and T.H. Powell. 2018. Lexicon for Meat Science & Technology Allied Fields. Meat and Muscle Biology (doi: 10.22175/mmb2017.12.0059; Date posted: April 03, 2018).
McMinn, R.P., A.M. King, A.L. Milkowski, R. Hanson, K.A. Glass1, and J.J. Sindelar. 2018. Processed Meat Thermal Processing Food Safety – Generating D-values for Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli. Meat and Muscle Biology (doi: 10.22175/mmb2017.11.0057; Date posted: April 12, 2018).).
Osterbauer, K.A. Glass, D.L. Seman, A.M. King, A.M. Milkowski, and J.J. Sindelar. 2017. Effects of curing ingredient concentrations on the growth of Clostridium perfringens during extended cooling of ham. Journal of Food Protection 80(10): 1697-1704.
Shazer, W.H., L.A. Jiminez-Maroto, T. Sato, S.A. Rankin, and J.J. Sindelar. 2017. Reducing Sodium in Processed Meats Using Traditionally Brewed Soy Sauce and Fermented Flavor Enhancer. Meat and Muscle Biology 1: 122–137.
Shazer, W.H., L.A. Jiminez-Maroto, T. Sato, S.A. Rankin, and J.J. Sindelar. 2017. Replacing Sodium in Processed Meats Using Traditionally Brewed Soy Sauce and Fermented Flavor Enhancer. Meat and Muscle Biology (accepted January 2018).
Bedale, W., J.J. Sindelar, A.L. Milkowski. 2016. Dietary Nitrate and Nitrite: Benefits, Risks, and Evolving Perceptions. Meat Science 120: 85-92.
Weyker, R.E., K.G. Glass, A.L. Milkowski, D.L. Seman, and J.J. Sindelar. 2016. Controlling Listeria monocytogenes and Leuconostoc mesenteroides in uncured deli-style turkey breast using a clean label antimicrobial. Journal of Food Science 81(3): 672-683.
King, A.M., K.A. Glass, A.L. Milkowski, D.L. Seman, and J.J. Sindelar. 2016. Modeling the impact of ingoing sodium nitrite, sodium ascorbate, and residual nitrite concentrations on growth parameters of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked, cured pork sausage. Journal of Food Protection 79(2):184-193.
King, A.M., K.A. Glass, A.L. Milkowski, and J.J. Sindelar. 2015. Comparison of curing ingredients derived from purified and natural sources on inhibition of Clostridium perfringens outgrowth during the cooling of deli-style turkey breast. Journal of Food Protection 78(8): 1527-1535.
Tilkens, B.L, A.M. King, K.A. Glass, and J.J. Sindelar. 2015. Validating the Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus in Shelf Stable Ready-to-Eat Snack Sausages with Varying Combinations of pH and Water Activity. Journal of Food Protection 78(6): 1215-1220.
King, A.M., K.A. Glass, A. L. Milkowski, and J.J. Sindelar. 2015. Impact of clean label antimicrobials and nitrite derived from natural sources on the outgrowth of Clostridium perfringens during cooling of deli-style turkey breast. Journal of Food Protection 78(5): 946-953.
King, A.M., C. E. Ohman, B. Van Hemelryk, S. Y. Park, T. D. Crenshaw, J.J. Sindelar. 2014. Impacts of Withdrawal Periods of Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles on Quality Attributes of Fresh Pork Bratwursts and Bacon. Journal of Food Quality 36: 371-382.
Golden, M.C., L.M. McDonnell, V. Sheehan, J.J. Sindelar, and K.G. Glass. 2014. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes in Deli-Style Turkey Breast Formulated Cultured Celery Powder and/or Cultured Sugar-Vinegar Blend during Storage at 4°C. Journal of Food Protection 77(10): 1787-1793.
Consortium of Food Process Validation Experts (CFPVE), G. Acuff, M. Brashears, C. Cutter, J. Dickson, J. Luchansky, P. Muriana, R. Phebus, S. Ricke, J. Sindelar, M. Singh, J. Sofos, and H. Thippareddi. 2013. Validation of Antimicrobial Interventions for Small and Very Small Processors: A How-to Guide to Develop and Conduct Validations. Food Protection Trends 33(2): 95-104.
McDonnell, L.M., K.A. Glass, and J.J. Sindelar. 2013. Identifying Ingredients that Inhibit Listeria monocytogenes for Use in Natural, Organic, and Clean-Label Ready-to-Eat Meat and Poultry Products. Journal of Food Protection 76(8) 1366-1376.
Sindelar, J.J. and A.L. Milkowkski. 2012. Human Safety Controversies Surrounding Dietary Nitrate and Nitrite. Nitric Oxide 26(4): 259-266.
McGough, M.M., T. Sato, S.A. Rankin, and J.J. Sindelar. 2012. Reducing Sodium Levels in Frankfurters Using a Natural Flavor Enhancer. Meat Science 91:185-194.
McGough, M.M., T. Sato, S.A. Rankin, and J.J. Sindelar. 2012. Reducing Sodium Levels in Frankfurters Using Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce. Meat Science, 91:69-78.
Selected Book Chapters
Tompkin, R.B.., W. Bedale, A.L. Milkowski, K.G. Glass, and J.J. Sindelar. 2010. “Uncured, Natural and Organic Processed Meats.” Meat Processing Technology Series. American Meat Science Association, Savoy, IL. pp 1-42.
Sindelar J.J. Nitrite. In: P. Michael Davidson, John N. Sofos & A.L. Branen, editors-in-chief. Antimicrobials in Foods, 4th ed., Taylor and Francis; 2019. In press.
Sindelar J.J., J. Wenther, and K. Schrader. 2016 Fresh sausage production. In: The meat processor’s journal science, methods and trends. Vol 3. Fresh sausage production. MTG Media Group, Chicago, IL p. 33-59. Accessed 20 January 2017.
Sindelar J.J. and J. Wenther. 2016 Raw materials. In: The meat processor’s journal science, methods and trends. Vol 3. Fresh sausage production. MTG Media Group, Chicago, IL p. 33-59. Accessed 20 January 2017.
Sindelar J.J. and J. Wenther. 2015 Processing and production. In: The meat processor’s journal science, methods and trends. Vol 2. Dry and semi-dry sausage production. MTG Media Group, Chicago, IL p. 102-212. Accessed 20 January 2017.
Sindelar J.J. 2015. Raw materials. In: The meat processor’s journal science, methods and trends. Vol 2. Dry and semi-dry sausage production. MTG Media Group, Chicago, IL p. 82-100. Accessed 20 January 2017.
Sindelar J.J. Curing: Natural and Organic Cured Meat Products in the United States. In: Carrick Devine & Michael Dikeman, editors-in-chief. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences 2e, Vol. 1, Oxford: Elsevier; 2014. pp. 430-435.
Sindelar, J.J. and T.A. Houser. 2008. “Alternative Curing Systems” in Functional Ingredients for Meat Products. R. Tarte (ed.). Springer, New York, NY, pp 379-405.
Selected Popular Press Articles
Sindelar, J.J. 2020. UW-Madison has a new cutting edge home for sausage, bacon, steak and innovation. Wisconsin State Journal. November 2020. (interviewed/front page main feature).
Sindelar, J.J. 2020. Healthy pigs euthanized as meatpacking backlog hits farms. Associated Press. May 2020. (interviewed).
Sindelar, J.J. 2020. Bratwursts: to parboil or not to parboil. Wisconsin State Journal. May 2020. (interviewed/featured).
Sindelar, J.J. 2020. Bratwursts: to parboil or not to parboil. USA Today Network- Wisconsin May 2020. (interviewed/featured).
Sindelar, J.J. 2020. The State of the meat industry in Wisconsin. Wisconsin State Journal May 2020. (interviewed/featured).
Sindelar, J.J. 2019. Food & Fitness After 50: Uncured Bacon, Must be Healthy, Right? Chris Rosenbloom, PhD, RD, FAND web blog. June, 2019.
Sindelar, J.J. 2018. More Wisconsonites Are Making Their Own Sausage. Producer, Central Time on The Ideas Network. Wisconsin Public Radio. March, 2018 issue. (live radio interview).
Sindelar, J.J. 2017. Meat scientist: nitrates good for body. for-body?utm_source=copyright&utm_medium=OnSite&utm_campaign=copyright. February 8, 2017. (reviewed/quoted).
Selected Videos
Sindelar, J.J. 2020. Nitrite : The Science, Function, and History. One-hour webinar hosted by the North American Meat Institute for Food and Culinary Dietician’s Association. September 2020. (
Selected Other Publications
Sindelar, J.J., R. Hanson, K.A. Glass, A.L. Milkowski, R.P. McMinn, and J. Nehls. 2021. Hydrated Surface Lethality: Validation of a new processing method to ensure the destruction of Salmonella on product surfaces during impingement cooking.
Sindelar, J. and A. Milkowski. 2009. Nitrite: A Healthy or Harmful Ingredient? American Meat Science Association. Reciprocation. 1(1):11.
Sindelar, J. and A. Milkowski. 2011. Sodium Nitrite in Processed Meats: A Review of Curing and the Risk/Benefit of Using It. American Meat Science Association White Paper Series, Number 3. Savoy, IL. (November 2011). I was invited to author this white paper due to my expertise with sodium nitrite. The paper was a result of a national need to better understand nitrite in humans and foods.
Process Validation Consortium: 2011-present
Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network (NMPAN): 2009-present
Specialty Meat Development Center: 2009-present
American Meat Science Association (AMSA)
Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors (WAMP)
American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP)
AAMP American Cured Meats Championships; Technical advisor: 2007-present
Wisconsin Beef Council
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT): 2003-present
International Association for Food Protection: 2009-present
Professional Service
Wisconsin Bipartisan Meat Caucus, 2020
- Facilitator for a grassroots effort to support Wisconsin meat industry
Madison College
- Advisor for Sustainable Farm to Table-Modern Meat Production curriculum, 2016-present
North American Meat Institute, 2012-present
- Appendix A & B working committee member & chair
- Reviewer for scientific publications and fact sheets
- Scientific support expert
Meat Industry Hall of Fame, 2016-present
- Invited to join Board of Trustees
Meating place, National Provisioner, Meat & Poultry Magazines, 2011-present
- Regular contributor to in-print and online content
Process Validation Consortium, 2011-present
- Invited member
- One of 12-member nationwide committee to provide meat industry food safety guidance
Specialty Meat Development Center, 2009-present
- Ex-Oficio member of executive board of directors
Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network (NMPAN), 2009-present
- Contributing Member
- Wisconsin affiliate
Wisconsin Beef Council
- Ex officio member, 2008-present
American Meat Science Association (AMSA)
- RMC Host committee, 2013-2014
- RMC held in Madison in 2014
- Processing and Ingredients Planning committee, 2008-present
- Chair, 2012-2013
- Processed Meats Clinic committee, 2007-present
Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors (WAMP)
- Director of Association, 2007-present
- Contributing author to newsletter, 2007-present
- Year-round technical advisor for meat product show, 2007-present
American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP)
- American Cured Meats Championships Technical advisor, 2007-present
- Advisory Committee, 2006-present – -Education/Training Committee, 2011-present
Wisconsin Beef Council
- Ex officio member, 2008-present
Wisconsin Association of Meat Processor’s Meritorious Service Award – 2017
North American Meat Institute Harry L. Rudnick Educator’s Award – 2016
Recognition as 1 of 25 Future Icons, The National Provisioner – 2016
University of Wisconsin, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Pound Extension Award – 2016
American Meat Science Association Distinguished Extension Industry Award – 2015
American Meat Science Association Achievement Award – 2013
Extension Programs: Master Meat Crafter Training Program
Master Meat Crafter Program: Jan. 2010-present
- Two-year intensive training program for meat processors for accreditation as a Master Meat Crafter
- Components of the program are:
- 6 two-day meat processing workshops
- targeted topic homework exercises
- individualized mentorship program
- individual plant project
Extension Programs: Short Courses
Fresh Meats School: 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Cooked & Emulsified Sausage School: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019
Meat Curing School: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019
Fermented & Dry Cured Meat Products School: 2011, 2013, 2015, 201, 2019
Food Safety & Meat Microbiology School: 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Developing and Implementing HACCP in Meat and Poultry Plants: 2007-present (annually)
Wisconsin Meat Processing School: 2007-present (annually)
HACCP Plan Reassessment Seminars for E. coli O157:H7 in Beef Operations: 2008
Advanced HACCP for Meat and Poultry Establishments: 2013-present (annually)
Extension Programs: Workshops
Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors Pre-convention workshop:2011-present
Grandparent’s University: 2019-present