Hasan Khatib

Khatib Lab

Professor and Interim Chair

Research, Teaching



Office Location

1675 Observatory Dr
546 Animal Sciences
Madison, WI 53706


Dairy cattle breeding for improved milk production traits in cattle. US 20070015164 A1. Publication date: January 18, 2007

Detection of Lethality Gene for Improved Fertility in Mammals. US 20070234437 A1. Publication date: October 4, 2007

Dairy cattle breeding for improved milk production traits in cattle. US 20080307535 A1. Publication date: December 11, 2008

Methods and compositions for improved cattle longevity and milk production. WO 2009062042 A3. Publication date: August 27, 2009

Methods and Compositions for Testing and Breeding Cattle for Improved Fertility and Embryonic Survival. US 20100185047 A1. Publication date: July 22, 2010

Methods and compositions for genetically detecting improved milk production traits in cattle

Hasan Khatib is a professor of genetics and epigenetics. He earned his BS in Biology, MS in Human Genetics, and Ph.D.in Genetics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Afterward, he worked in the Department of Genetics at the Hebrew University as a post-doctoral fellow and as a research scientist.

Dr. Khatib currently has over 100 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of embryonic development, male fertility, production traits, epigenetics, and nutritional epigenetics. His papers have appeared in the BMC Genomics, PloS one, Science, Genome Research, Animal Genetics, Journal of Dairy Science, Journal of Animal Science, Mammalian Genome, Epigenetics and other journals.

His research focuses on investigating the role of epigenetics in various traits related to production, reproduction, and health in livestock. A key area of interest is the transgenerational effects of paternal and maternal nutrition on embryonic phenotypes and subsequent generations, a phenomenon known as transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Recently, his team demonstrated that paternal diet can alter sperm DNA methylation patterns, which are subsequently inherited transgenerationally in sheep (Braz et al., 2022, PNAS Nexus. Dr. Khatib’s work also includes identifying epigenetic markers that predict embryo development and fertility through non-invasive methods. Recent studies in his lab revealed that embryos secrete full-transcript mRNAs, which can be absorbed by maternal endometrial cells, stimulating the expression of pregnancy-related genes. In addition to his research, Dr. Khatib has edited two seminal books, Livestock Epigenetics and Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics. He teaches Veterinary Genetics and co-teaches the Proseminar Capstone course.

Professional background

2013-present: Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin

2011- 2013: Associate Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin

2008- 2011: Associate Professor, Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin

2015-present: a member of the Epigenetics Hub, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2009-present: a member of The Endocrinology-Reproductive Physiology Program, University of Wisconsin -Madison

2002- 2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin

2001-2002: Researcher, Department of Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1998-2001: Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Genetics; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2000-2002: Director, Institute of Genetic Identification, Jerusalem

1997-2002: Lecturer, The David Yellin College of Education, Jerusalem

1995-1997: Genetic counselor, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

Kalbfleisch TS, McKay SD, Murdoch BM, Adelson DL, Almansa-Villa D, Becker G, Beckett LM, Benítez-Galeano MJ, Biase F, Casey T, Chuong E, Clark E, Clarke S, Cockett N, Couldrey C, Davis BW, Elsik CG, Faraut T, Gao Y, Genet C, Grady P, Green J, Green R, Guan D, Hagen D, Hartley GA, Heaton M, Hoyt SJ, Huang W, Jarvis E, Kalleberg J, Khatib H, Koepfi KP, Koltes J, Koren S, Kuehn C, Leeb T, Leonard A, Liu GE, Low WY, McConnell H, McRae K, Miga K, Mousel M, Neibergs H, Olagunju T, Pennell M, Petry B, Pewsner M, Phillippy AM, Pickett BD, Pineda P, Potapova T, Rachagani S, Rhie A, Rijnkels M, Robic A, Rodriguez Osorio N, Safonova Y, Schettini G, Schnabel RD, Sirpu Natesh N, Stegemiller M, Storer J, Stothard P, Stull C, Tosser-Klopp G, Traglia GM, Tuggle CK, Van Tassell CP, Watson C, Weikard R, Wimmers K, Xie S, Yang L, Smith TPL, O’Neill RJ, Rosen BD. 2024. The Ruminant Telomere-to-Telomere (RT2T) Consortium. Nat Genet. 56(8):1566-1573. doi: 10.1038/s41588-024-01835-2.

Braz UB, Passamonti M, Khatib H. 2024. Characterization of genomic regions escaping epigenetic reprogramming in sheep. Environmental Epigenetics, 2024, 10(1), 1–12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/eep/dvad010

Strangstalien A, Braz CU, Miyamoto A, Marey M, Khatib H. 2024. Early transcriptomic changes in peripheral blood 7 days post-embryo transfer in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 107, 5:3080-3089.

Laporta J, Khatib H, Zachut M. 2024. Phenotypic and molecular evidence of inter-generational effects of heat stress in livestock species and humans. Animal 29:101121. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2024.101121.

Khatib H, Townsend J, Konkel MA, Conidi G, Hasselkus JA. 2024. Calling the question: what is mammalian transgenerational epigenetic inheritance? Epigenetics (1):2333586. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2024.2333586.

Namous H, Strillacci MG, Braz CU, Shanmuganayagam D, Krueger C, Peppas A, Soffregen WC, Reed J, Granada JF, Khatib H. 2023. ITGB2 is a central hub-gene associated with inflammation and early fibro-atheroma development in a swine model of atherosclerosis. Atheroscler Plus. 2023 Nov 15;54:30-41.

Namous H, Krueger C, Cheng Y, Melo PHC, Peppas P, Kaluza GL, Stoffregen WC, Reed J, Khatib H, Granada JF. 2023. Longitudinal dynamics of Circulating miRNAs in a Swine Model of Familial Hypercholesterolemia during Early Atherosclerosis. Sci Rep. 2023 Nov 7;13(1):19355. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-46762-0.

Townsend J, Braz CU, Taylor T, Khatib H. 2023. Effects of paternal methionine supplementation on sperm DNA methylation and embryo transcriptome in sheep. Environmental epigenetics, 9(1), dvac029. https://doi.org/10.1093/eep/dvac029

Lihua Liu, Bing Sun, Fan Zhang, Zhenyu Zhong, Yuelang Zhang, Fang Li, Hasan Khatib, and Xin Wang. 2022. LncRNA MPFAST Promotes Proliferation and Fatty Acids Synthesis of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cell by Sponging miR-103 Regulating PI3K-AKT Pathway. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (accepted).

Namous H, Braz CU, Wang Y and Khatib H. 2022 The Activation of Protamine one Using Epigenome Editing Decreases the Proliferation of Tumorigenic Cells. Front. Genome Ed. 4:844904. doi: 10.3389/fgeed.2022.844904

Braz CU, Taylor T, Namous H, Townsend J, Crenshaw T, Khatib H. 2022. Paternal diet induces transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of DNA methylation signatures and phenotypes in sheep model. PANS-Nexus, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2022, pgac040, https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac040

Zhang YH, Wang CY, Sun MM, Jin YT, Braz C, Khatib H, Hacker T, Liss M, Gotthardt M, Granzier H, Ge Y and Guo W. 2022. RBM20 phosphorylation and its role in nucleocytoplasmic transport and cardiac pathogenesis. FASEB 36 (5): e22302.

Errafii K, Hassoun S, Alkasem M, Jayyous A, Arredouani A, Khatib H, Azizi F, Dehbi M, Mohammad RM, Abdul-Ghani M, Chikri M. 2022. Comprehensive analysis of circulating miRNA expression profiles in insulin resistance in Qatari population. All Life 15:1, 191-202.

Wang C, Zhang Y, Methawasin M, Braz CU, Gao-Hu J, Yang B, Strom J, Gohlke J, Hacker T, Khatib H, Granzier H, Guo W. 2022. RBM20S639G mutation is a high genetic risk factor for premature death through RNA-protein condensates. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 165:115-129. [1, 2]

Amiri Roudbar M, Mousavi SF, Ardestani SS, Brito Lopes F, Momen M, Gianola D, Khatib H*. 2021. Prediction of biological age and evaluation of genome-wide dynamic methylomic changes throughout human aging. G3 (Bethesda) 11(7):jkab112.

Selected Book Chapters

Ibeagha-Awemu EM and Khatib H (2017) Epigenetics of Livestock Breeding. Handbook of Epigenetics: The New Molecular and Medical Genetics. Edited by: Trygve Tollefsbol. Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc, pp. 441-457. ISBN: ISBN: 9780128053881

Khatib H (Editor) Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. (2015).

Khatib H (Editor)(2012). Livestock Epigenetics. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Coordinator of the special issue “Morris Soller: Energizing Animal Breeding & Genetics”. Animal Genetics 43, Issue Supplement s1, Pages 1–113 (2012)

Driver A, Huang W, and Khatib H (2012). Roles of Imprinted Genes in Fertility and Promises of the Genome-Wide Technologies. Livestock Epigenetics. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 43-57

Bagnato A, Khatib H, Ajmone-Marsan P, Schiavini F, Lipkin E (2007). Achievements of research in the field of molecular genetics – Recent advance and perspectives in cattle genome discovery and in application of genomic selection to breeding plans. In WAAP book of the year 2006, Animal production and Animal Science Worldwide. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The-Netherlands

Gruenbaum Y, Frumkin A, Rangini Z, Revel E, Yarus S, Margalit Y, Khatib H, Darvasi A, and Fainsod A (1993). Chox-cad Characterization and Rooster Sperm Preservation as a First Step in the Generation of Transgenic Chickens with Modified Homeobox Genes in: Manipulation of The Avian Genome. CRC Press, pp. 151-164.

Selected Conference Proceedings

Jessica Townsend, Camila U. Braz, Todd Taylor, Hasan Khatib. Effects of paternal methionine supplementation on sperm DNA methylation and embryo transcriptome in sheep. The International Plant and Animal Genome Conference. January 12-17, 2023, San Diego, USA

Hadjer Namous, Hasan Khatib. Transcriptome profiling of atherosclerotic lesions in abdominal aortic tissues using Wisconsin Miniature Swine of familial hypercholesterolemia. Swine Biomedial Conference June 2023.

Hadjer Namous, Hasan Khatib. Genes and Pathways Involved in Fibro-Atheroma Development in an Atherosclerosis Swine Mode. The International Plant and Animal Genome Conference. January 12-17, 2023, San Diego, USA

Camila Braz, Hasan Khatib. Effects of Paternal Diet on DNA Methylation and Phenotypes of Next Generations in Sheep. The International Plant and Animal Genome Conference. January 12-17, 2023, San Diego, USA

Yanghai Zhang, Chunyan Wang, Mei Methawasin, Camila Urbano Braz, Jeffrey Go-Hu, Betty Yang, Joshua Strom, Timothy Hacker, Hasan Khatib, Henk Granzier and Wei Guo. Gain-of-function mutations in Rbm20 result in cardiac remodeling and pathogenesis in mice. AHA Scientific meeting, Boston, MA, Virtual, November 13 to 15th, 2021.

Chunyan Wang, Yanghai Zhang, Mei Methawasin, Camila Urbano Braz, Jeffrey Gao-Hu, Betty Yang, Joshua Strom, Timothy Hacker, Hasan Khatib, Henk Granzier and Wei Guo. RBM20 mutation is a high genetic risk factor for premature death through RNA-protein condensates in mice. 40th Annual Conference of the North American Section (NAS) of the International Society of Heart Research (ISHR), Denver, CO, September 13 to 16th, 2021.

Khatib H and Namous H. Integrative analysis of methylomic and transcriptomic data in fetal sheep muscle tissues in response to maternal diet during pregnancy. International Society of Animal Genetics Meeting (ISAG), Dublin, Ireland July 13, 2017.

Chikri M, Khatib H, Abou-Samra A, and Abdulghani M. Characterization of Circulating miRNAs in Insulin Sensitive and Insulin Resistant Arab Individuals in Qatar. March 21, 2016. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference, Doha, Qatar

Milo Wiltbank M, Carvalho P, Souza A, Fricke P, Toledo M, Sartori R, Santos J, Pontes G, Luchini D, Peñagaricano F, Khatib H, Hackbart K, and Shave R. Potential benefits of nutrition on reproductive performance of high-efficiency dairy cows. July 16, 2015. JAM meeting, Orlando, Florida.

Peñagaricano F, Valente BD, Steibel JP, Bates RO, Ernst CW, Khatib H, and Rosa GJM. Exploring causal networks underlying fat deposition and muscularity in pigs through the integration of phenotypic, genotypic and transcriptomic data. JAM meeting, July 12-16, 2015. Orlando, Florida.

Kropp J and Khatib H. Non-Invasive Biomarkers of Embryo Development in Cattle. Plant & Animal Genome meeting (PAG) XXIII, San Diego, CA. January 12, 2015.

F. Peñagaricano, B.D. Valente, J.P. Steibel, R.O. Bates, C.W. Ernst, H. Khatib and G.J.M. Rosa. Searching for Causal Networks Involving Latent Variables in Complex Traits: An Application to Growth, Carcass, and Meat Quality Traits in Pig. 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Canada, Vancouver, 17 – 22 August 2014.

Peñagaricano F, Guilherme J. M. Rosa GJM, Radunz A, and Khatib H. 2014. Effect of Maternal Nutrition on the Transcriptome of Fetal Muscle in Sheep. The Plant & Animal Genome XXII Conference, January 11-14, 2014; San Diego, CA.

Peñagaricano F, Souza AH, Carvalho PD, Driver AM, Gambra R, Kropp J, Hackbart KS, Luchini D, Shaver RD, Wiltbank MC, and Khatib H. 2013. Nutritional genomics: effect of maternal methionine supplementation on the transcriptome of day 7 embryos from superovulated lactating dairy cows. ADSA®-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Indianapolis – USA. July 2013.

Lan X, Gambra R, Berg MA, Cretney EJ, Khatib H, and Radunz AE. 2012. Maternal dietary energy source during gestation affects expression of imprinted genes in fetal tissues in sheep. ADSA®-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ July 15-July 20.

Selected Presentations

Effects of paternal nutrition on the epigenome and phenotypes of the offspring. The 2022 Aspen Perinatal Biology Symposium. Aspen, Colorado. August 28-31, 2022.

Nature vs. nurture: what do we inherit from our parents? The Department of Animal Sciences, University of Maryland, USA. April 13, 2021

The effects of paternal nutrition on traits and epigenomes of the next generations in sheep. The Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA. January 12, 2020

Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: How Strong is the Evidence? 37th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference. Universitat de Lleida, Spain, July 11, 2019

Transgenerational Epigenetic Effects of Nutrition. Michigan State University, USA, May 7, 2019

Genetics and Epigenetics of male fertility. Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, March 6, 2019

Does diet affect the traits of the next generations? Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, March 7, 2019

The Identification of Biomarkers for Atherosclerosis using the Rapacz Swine The Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Digo, CA, USA, January 11, 2019.

Embryo survival: the other side of fertility; a genomic perspective. American Dairy Science Association meeting. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, June 26, 2018.

Effects of maternal diet on traits of the next generations. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Obihiro, Japan, June 4, 2018.

The development of non-invasive biomarkers for embryo development and male fertility. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan, June 8, 2018.

Series of lectures on molecular genetics and molecular techniques applications in agricultural research, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza (UNTRM), Chachapoyas, Peru, December 2-9, 2017

Applications of epigenetics in human health and animal production. The University of Milan, Italy, November 27, 2017.

Applications of Epigenetics in Fertility Research. Bioinformatics Institute, Denmark Technical University, Denmark, November 10, 2017.

Epigenetic signatures of early embryonic development and fertility in cattle. The Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany, November 6, 2017.

Undergraduate Courses

AN SCI/DY SCI 362 – Veterinary Genetics (2 credits, Spring)
Course Description: The genetic basis for predisposition to disease or resistance to disease in livestock and companion animal species. Genetic defects, their discovery, diagnosis and treatment.
Requirements: Dy Sci/AN SCI/​DY SCI  361; or Genetics 160 or 466 Zool/Bot 152

AN SCI 435 – Animal Sciences Proseminar (2 credits, Fall)
Course Description: Methods of assessing information quality are studied. Each student develops an analytical and critical seminar on a topic of personal interest in the animal sciences.
Requirements: Senior Standing

CALS Facilities Committee
Animal and Dairy Sciences Climate and Diversity Committee
Animal and Dairy Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Organizer and Chair of the Animal Epigenetics workshop; Plant & Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA
Organizer of the Animal Epigenetics Workshop; International Society of Animal Genetics Meeting
Review Editor, Frontiers in Genetics

Dairy cattle breeding for improved milk production traits in cattle.
US 20070015164 A1. Publication date: January 18, 2007

Detection of Lethality Gene for Improved Fertility in Mammals.
US 20070234437 A1. Publication date: October 4, 2007

Dairy cattle breeding for improved milk production traits in cattle.
US 20080307535 A1. Publication date: December 11, 2008

Methods and compositions for improved cattle longevity and milk production.
WO 2009062042 A3. Publication date: August 27, 2009

Methods and Compositions for Testing and Breeding Cattle for Improved Fertility and Embryonic Survival.
US 20100185047 A1. Publication date: July 22, 2010

Methods and compositions for genetically detecting improved milk production traits in cattle.
US 7888021 B2; US-2008-0187921. Publication date: February 15, 2011

Methods and compositions for genetically detecting improved milk production traits in cattle.
US 20110195868 A1. Publication date: November 8, 2011

Methods and compositions for improved fertilization and embryonic survival.
US 8067171 B2; US-2009-0299130. Publication date: November 29, 2011

Genetic testing for improved cattle fertility.
US 20130267770 A1. Publication date: October 10, 2013

Methods and compositions for improved fertilization and embryonic survival.
US-2009-0253952; US 8569574 B2. Publication date: October 29, 2013

Association of the progesterone receptor with fertility.
US 8647819 B2; US-2011-0118539. Publication date: February 11, 2014

Methods and compositions for improved fertilization and embryonic survival.
US 20130041209 A1. Publication date: February 13, 2014

Dairy cattle breeding for improved milk production traits in cattle.
US 20140142369 A1. Publication date: May 22, 2014

Methods and compositions for monitoring and enhancing early embryo development.
US 20140200393 A1. Publication date: July 17, 2014

Methods and compositions for improved fertilization and embryonic survival.
US 8790875 B2; US-2014-0330071. Publication date: July 29, 2014

Provisional # P150131US01. Filed May 15, 2015