Gustavo Mazon

Postdoctoral Research Associate



Office Location

Animal Sciences

1675 Observatory Drive, Office 450

Madison WI, 53706

Originally from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Gustavo earned his undergraduate degree in Animal Sciences from the Federal University of Viçosa. After graduating, he worked with over 160 farmers as a milk quality specialist for a Brazilian cheese company. Gustavo then pursued his master’s degree at the University of Kentucky, focusing on transition cow nutrition. He continued at the University of Kentucky for his PhD, where he developed novel precision dairy technologies for cows under heat stress and probiotic intervention strategies for cows and calves at acidosis risk. Currently, as a postdoctoral research associate, Gustavo assesses technology adoption on dairy farms and creates educational resources to promote artificial intelligence and data technology in livestock production systems.

Selected Peer Reviewed Articles

Michalski, E., Woodrum Setser, M., Mazon, G., Neave, H.W. and Costa, J.H., 2023. Personality of individually housed dairy-beef crossbred calves is related to performance and behavior. Frontiers in Animal Science, 3, p.161.

Grinter, L.N., Mazon, G. and Costa, J.H.C., 2023. Voluntary heat stress abatement system for dairy cows: Does it mitigate the effects of heat stress on physiology and behavior? Journal of Dairy Science, 106(1), pp.519-533.

Mazon, G., Montgomery, P.D., Hayes, M., Jackson, J., and Costa, J.H., 2021. Development and validation of an autonomous radio-frequency identification controlled soaking system for dairy cattle. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 37(5), pp.831-837.

Mazon, G., Campler, M.R., Holcomb, C., Bewley, J.M. and Costa, J.H.C., 2020. Effects of a Megasphaera elsdenii oral drench on reticulorumen pH dynamics in lactating dairy cows under subacute ruminal acidosis challenge. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 261, p.114404.

Selected Conference Proceedings

Figueiredo, R.A., Mazon, G., Rodrigues, G., Boully, B., and Costa, J.H.C. 2022 Evaluation of oestrus detection methods across three housing systems in Holstein dairy heifers. European Precision Livestock Conference.

Mazon, G., Montgomery, P.D., Hayes, M., Jackson, J. and Costa, J.H., 2020. Development and validation of an autonomous radio-frequency identification controlled soaking system for dairy cattle. In 2020 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Mazon, G., Figueiredo, P.D., and Costa, J.H. 2019. How often should we measure reticulorumen temperature and pH in dairy cows? Evaluation of multiple recording intervals from an automated reticulorumen bolus. International Precision Dairy Farming Conference.

Selected Popular Press Articles

Mazon, G., Dorea, J. R. R., and Cabrera, V. E., 2024. Precision Dairy Farming: A Glimpse into the Future. Smart Farm Hub. July

Selected Videos

Mazon, G. 2023. Rumen Ready: Enhancing Rumen Development in Calves. Invited Webinar. Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Live Calf Chat. November 27, 2023.

Co-Instructor, Dairy Cattle Evaluation (ASC 321), University of Kentucky – Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023

Co-Instructor, Advanced Dairy Cattle Evaluation (ASC 323), University of Kentucky – Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023

Teaching Assistant, Precision Dairy Technologies (Zoo 795), Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil – Spring 2021

University of Kentucky Dairy Club Graduate Advisor (August 2017 – 2023)

Kentucky State FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation Judge (2021 – 2023)

University of Kentucky Animal and Food Sciences Graduate Student Association – President (2017 – 2018), Vice President (2019 – 2021)

Grants & Scholarships

Gustaf de Laval Fund. 2022. Project: Effects of a voluntary soaking system on the behavior, physiology, and production of dairy cows milked in voluntary milking systems.

Amount: $9,950.00 €

PI: Gustavo Mazon; Co-PI: Dr. Joao Costa and Dr. Josh Jackson

Merck Advancing Animal Welfare Together Research Showcase Graduate Student Travel Award. 2022. Project: Managing Heat Stress on an Individual Level: Development, Validation, and Evaluation of the Effects of a Voluntary Soaking System on the Behavior, Physiology, and Production of Dairy Cows.

Amount: Approximately $1,000.00 USD

Awardee: Gustavo Mazon

University of Kentucky Graduate Student Congress Travel Scholarship. 2022. Project: Can Housing System and Detection Method Affect Estrus Detection in Holstein Dairy Heifers?

Amount: $500.00 USD

Awardee: Gustavo Mazon

National Milk Producers Federation Dairy Leadership Scholarship Program. 2018. Project: Effects of yeast-derived microbial protein on transition dairy cow health and performance.

Amount: $5,000.00 USD

Awardee: Gustavo Mazon


Awards & Honors

Second Place Northeast ARPAS Collegiate Research Contest – 2023 Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop

First Place Graduate Student Award – Outstanding Overall Presentation – 2nd Precision Livestock Farming Conference, 2023. Knoxville, TN.

Fourth Place Graduate Team. American Veterinary Medical Association Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, 2022. Raleigh, NC, United States.

Third Place Graduate Team. American Veterinary Medical Association Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, 2021. Online.

Third Place Graduate Team. American Veterinary Medical Association Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, 2019. Fort Collins, CO, United States.

Second Place. College of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment Three-Minute Thesis Competition, 2019. Lexington, KY, United States.

First Place. American Dairy Science Association Three-Minute Thesis Challenge, 2018. Lexington, KY, United States.

Second Place. American Dairy Science Association Southern Branch Dairy Production Oral Competition, 2018. Knoxville, TN, United States.

Third Place MS Student. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, 2018. Fort Wayne, IN, United States.